Ukrainian Officials Visited Obama White House, Ostensibly To Discuss Burisma And Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Ukrainian Officials Visited Obama White House, Ostensibly To Discuss Burisma And Hunter Biden

Last night, Laura Ingraham dedicated a segment to an e-mail chain from last May between a New York Times reporter, Kenneth Vogel and members of the State Department. The exchange was initiated by Vogel’s request for comment from his contacts at the State Department for a story he was doing on a visit by Ukrainian prosecutors to Obama’s White House in January 2016. He intended going to report the prosecution of Burisma Holdings and the implications for Hunter Biden was to be discussed.

The State Department decided not to comment and the NYT never ran the story, but a paper trail from the White House visitor logs that confirm they meeting took place. More

So, what was discussed at the meeting. Was it an attempted shake down by Ukraine? Was any money released by the State Department to Ukraine after the January 19, 2016 meeting? – Dr. Tar

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