UN Keeps Losing Its Relevance – IOTW Report

UN Keeps Losing Its Relevance


Public opinion on the Oct. 7 attacks that killed 1,200 in Israel has flipped among Gazans, according to a recent poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. A majority of Gazans now believe the Hamas terror spree was incorrect, Reuters reported last week. That’s a first.

And yet, last week the United Nations approved a nonbinding resolution — by a 124-14 vote — that demanded Israel end its “unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

The United States and Israel provided two of the 14 no votes to the Palestinian-drafted measure; 43 countries abstained.


5 Comments on UN Keeps Losing Its Relevance

  1. “Public opinion on the Oct. 7 attacks that killed 1,200 in Israel has flipped among Gazans, according to a recent poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. A majority of Gazans now believe the Hamas terror spree was incorrect, Reuters reported last week. That’s a first.”

    Getting bombed back to the Stone Age will do that to you.

  2. And Germans weren’t too keen on German superiority when Berlin got bombed. Same can be said about the Japanese when Tokyo go bombed.

    Nothing makes you reconsider your position than getting your ass kicked.

    And as others have said, who cares what the UN thinks. Hopefully they will go away in a few years, followed shortly thereafter by the Olympics.

    Just look at how much good the League of Nations did for Ethiopia in 1935. While the idea behind these kinds of organizations may seem like a good idea, giving the keys of the car to a bad driver does not make him any better.

  3. as there are no Palestinian countries or territories it might be hard to leave them.
    There has never been Palestinian anything except as an insult to Israel it is hard to believe this anything more the political propaganda.

  4. IDF pointed out today that a UN school in Lebanon was located only 53 meters from the facility they blasted that had Nasrallah. UN isn’t just irrelevant, it is complicit. And not just in Israel; they are complicit in all sorts of atrocities around the world.


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