UN Peacekeepers Told They Need To Better Prepare To Fight – IOTW Report

UN Peacekeepers Told They Need To Better Prepare To Fight

Last year 56 UN Peacekeepers lost their lives, one of the worst years for fatalities among the blue helmet since the end of the cold war. A report generated by the UN last week warns that their forces need improve their war fighting skills and be better ready to defend themselves against hostile forces who don’t recognize their neutrality.


They’re suppose to be “peacekeepers” not “peacemakers.”


16 Comments on UN Peacekeepers Told They Need To Better Prepare To Fight

  1. These UN imbeciles remind me of the guys in every alien horror movie who try to make peace with the aliens.
    “We come in peace! We mean you no harm and want to -ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
    (Sound of the moron being vaporized.)

  2. Bad_Brad, The blue colanders are a must have item for the garden. The gutters direct the spring rain torrents into the bright blue sprinklers that water the flowers.

    We all knew that the UN could make a positive contribution to this world!

    MSG Grumpy

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