Unconfirmed Reports: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Being Withdrawn – IOTW Report

Unconfirmed Reports: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Being Withdrawn


CTH has received anecdotal and unconfirmed reports the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine has been pulled from the market.  Three independent reports, from 3 different retail pharmacies, have highlighted instructions to send back the J&J vaccine.  If we find out more about this we will let you know ASAP.

Per earlier reporting from media, there was supposed to be an emergency FDA/CDC/NIH meeting this Friday about substantial reports of vaccine side-effects.  Perhaps the J&J recall (not yet publicized) is related; unknown.  More

17 Comments on Unconfirmed Reports: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Being Withdrawn

  1. And exactly, watch the for the narrative to change to Trump’s vaccine when the injuries/deaths stories are ready for prime time and yet he insists on bragging about pushing the FDA to approve the. He should get ahead of this and demand to know why heart issues can’t have an ‘emergency’ meeting immediately and not weeks later why they still push dangerous vaccines to children.

  2. All the Lefties I know give Biden and Fauci credit for the vaccines. It’s like Trump never existed at all during the plandemic. Thank god for Fauci…so let’s see how they spin it.

    But yeah, I will Trump would detach himself from Operation Warp Speed and say he was the facilitator to make things happen with guidance from Fauci and “the science.” 🤦🏼‍♀️

  3. What Anonymous said. It’s almost as if Trump is their Get Out Of Jail Free Card. He’d better get out in front of this immediately or he’s going to get scapegoated. I don’t blame Trump for the vaccine debacle, but I expect him to at least express concern about negative consequence, and to take a firm stand against Vaxports ofcany kind. He needs to stop playing political kingmaker and nursing grudges for a minute, and do what got him elected: address the fears of his supporters.

    OTOH, Ron DeSantis is sitting pretty now, isn’t he?

  4. Obama judge ruled J&J pay out big bucks to women who douched their hoohas with powder. Since J&J is still alive leftie govt wants to put the final nail in their coffin.

  5. I got the J&J vax 3 weeks ago. I would not have except that my scoutmaster required it for summer camp, and it was easier to get it than to fight it. I would not have gotten it merely for work or travel. But now that I have it I don’t have to deal with Karens (and my parents) on that level.
    A research doctor friend emphatically stated DO NOT GET YOUR CHILDREN VACCINATED!!! Well now WHO also says that. It really is beyond me seeing people still advocating vaccines for all ages, advocating mask-wearing (even if it’s a useless cloth one), out of fear of a single thing. It’s like focusing your entire life on avoiding getting bitten by a shark, to the exclusion of all other safety measures, when worldwide the number of annual shark bites is around 100 and deaths around 5.

  6. How can they “withdraw” a vaccine after they gave you that free beer so they could jab it inside of you??

    And how can Fauxi still have any teef to smile with??

  7. “J&J is withdrawing the injection vaccine and releasing a combined shampoo and vaccine product later this summer.”

    It’s a shampoo!
    It’s a vaccine!
    It’s a douche!
    It’s a BBQ sauce !

  8. I took the J&J vaccine with my wife who has health issues that made us feel she would be better off getting it. She had no problems with it but I was very out of it, ran a fever and my heart was flopping around my chest so much I told her that if my heart was bad it probably would have killed me.
    Ok now though.


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