Under Biden, Dollar Tree is $1.25 Tree -Now They Stopped Selling Eggs – IOTW Report

Under Biden, Dollar Tree is $1.25 Tree -Now They Stopped Selling Eggs


Dollar Tree has pulled eggs from store shelves over prices skyrocketing, the company said. 

Egg prices have increased by as much as 60% in the last year, prompting the popular discount store to pull eggs over not being able to make a profit, Reuters reported.

The majority of merchandise at Dollar Tree sits at $1.25, though the store also has other items for $3 and $5.

“Our primary price point at Dollar Tree is $1.25. The cost of eggs is currently very high,” company spokesperson Randy Guiler said, according to the Washington Examiner.

Despite the eggs getting pulled, they will likely return to shelves when “costs are more in line with historical levels.”

22 Comments on Under Biden, Dollar Tree is $1.25 Tree -Now They Stopped Selling Eggs

  1. Although I haven’t seen any in about year, my local Dollar Tree used to sell cartons of 8 eggs at that price point, brown eggs from someplace local. Of course, we have been plagued by shrinkflation for years. Halloween candy is a perfect example; 2 years ago the package held 10 bars, last year it was 8, and just last Halloween it was 6, same size bars.

    But still beats eating bugs.

  2. Under Barky, we all imagined t.p. with the Preznit’s image on every square.

    Under Shitpants*, imagine how much paper his cleanup crew needs because he’s such a stand-up guy. The paper may as well be all the shitdollars he’s printed .

  3. Will a lot of Easter egg hunts be canceled this year because of the high prices of eggs? Or will colored plastic Easter eggs be the norm this year. Winco is finally under $3 dollars a dozen for a dozen eggs and Wally World has them for under $2.50 a dozen.

  4. When I was growing up, it was the “Five and Dime”, or Dime Store”. Then it became the “Dollar Store”. By the time Pedo Joe is done, we will be calling it the “$5 and $10 Store”.

  5. Round these parts eggs went from $1.09 to $4.15 which is around 250%.
    I don’t know where that 60% figure came from, but certainly not from around here.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. No problem komrades, I feel you. Your president with the shit in his pants has ruined your dollar worldwide.

    Soon you go to RubleTree or YuanTree or DinarTree. And they will accept the MIRcard so you don’t need chip implanted.

    пожалуйста (pozhaluysta),
    your friend Vlad (currently criminally charged)

  7. @aircubed, theft sure but raw eggs down your pants? You first.
    Then, this is all Trump’s fault, he removed all price protection on eggs. Or back to reality could just be the bird flu, looks like they got coofed too.


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