Under “Food As Medicine” Interpretation, Biden to Allow Medicaid Be Used for Groceries – IOTW Report

Under “Food As Medicine” Interpretation, Biden to Allow Medicaid Be Used for Groceries


President Joe Biden’s (D) administration is reportedly allowing states to use Medicaid for food and nutritional counseling, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported Sunday that policy makers are trying to determine whether “food as medicine” programs can enhance health and also save money, the outlet said Feed

11 Comments on Under “Food As Medicine” Interpretation, Biden to Allow Medicaid Be Used for Groceries

  1. The Junk Food industries, aka soda, snack and candy, will bribe, blackmail and extort politicians that have skeletons to hide, basically all the Progs and RINOS, to make sure their products will also be able to be purchased under this program, especially if this is to be used to shut down the current SNAP Program.

  2. Based on the current food pyramid white massive amounts of carbs? The Heart Healthy Diet from hospitals which is extra heavy on grains, other carbs and sugar?

    Mandatory or voluntary? In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the USDA//FNS made nutrition counseling mandatory for some Food Stamp recipients – those in money management programs and zero purchase price recipients. Back in the day there was a purchase price for FS for most people.

    Clients refused to participate, went to the ACLU and they sued. Bye bye nutrition counseling.

  3. If PROPERLY done such counseling could do much to address health issues.
    I highly doubt it will be done correctly. Instead it will be just another
    opportunity for agenda driven Fed Gov assclowns to indoctrinate the weak minded.

  4. People on Medicaid are on Welfare. People on welfare get money to buy food.

    The government needs to stop giving away our money to people who don’t need it.

    Ok, there are some on Welfare and Medicaid that need it. But in my years in the medical industry, 75% (I’m being generous … it’s more like 90%) of the people can work but just don’t want to. They are being coddled and encouraged to breed as vote slaves for the government. Just wait until the illegal aliens take over their jobs as voters. Then all their “benefits” will go the the illegals and they will left with nothing and start rampaging us for their “due”.


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