Under Obama Administration, Over Half Million Illegals Sneak Into Our Country Per Year – IOTW Report

Under Obama Administration, Over Half Million Illegals Sneak Into Our Country Per Year


Our preliminary estimate is that, of the 3.1 million immigrants who arrived in 2014 and 2015, about one-third (1.1 million or 550,000 annually) were new illegal immigrants, a significant increase from the 700,000 (350,000 annually) who entered in 2012 and 2013. It is certainly reasonable to argue that with more than half a million new illegal immigrants settling in the country each year, the United States does not have control over the problem. While Mexican immigration has rebounded some from the lows of 2010 and 2011, the number of new arrivals from that country remains well below the highs reached more than a decade ago. But this in no way means that illegal immigration has abated.

As Gateway Pundit points out, that’s the equivalent of a city the size of Albuquerque, NM being airlifted in and taking up residence here illegally.



8 Comments on Under Obama Administration, Over Half Million Illegals Sneak Into Our Country Per Year

  1. An illegal or one of Obama’s unvetted Muslim refugees who has a wife and two kids comes to the US and gets a full-time job at minimum wage. This is a breakdown of the family income of this family.

    $13,900/year – wages
    $6,000/year – subsidized housing
    $4,800/year – SNAP (food stamps)
    $5,372/year – Earned Income tax Credit
    $30,072 Total

    Note that being paid off the books means you and I pick up the tab for housing, food and, not included in this, medical care. That’s why businesses want illegals. The cost of benefits is transferred from them to you via confiscating your wages.

  2. Left Coast Dan — It wouldn’t break my heart if Trump signed an EO rounding up every single one of them and sent them packing to back wherever they came from. Hey, we didn’t know how they got here and we don’t know how they left. Seems fair to me.

  3. Abigail – I think he will, to catch the stragglers and the brutal felons. But I think he has acknowledged that the easiest way to get most of them to leave is to lean on the employers. It won’t take even a year before they all get the message that there is no work here for illegals.

  4. We’re so fucked now that we’ll never be unfucked without a violent civil war. There is a race war going on against whites right now. Every non-white knows it and most smugly enjoy it. Most whites are utterly clueless about it. Maybe they’ll figure it out when the land seizures and brute squads come out. But, they’ll be so brainwashed that they’ll feel compelled to blame it all on “RethugliKKKans!!!”.

  5. pageoturner, I totally agree with you. Big Business is driving the immigration issue because it makes life easier for them to have cheap labor and a never ending stream of new consumers pouring into the country.

  6. Simple solution. Make it a felony punishable by 5 years in prison and a $50,000 fine to hire or rent housing g to anyone here illegally. They’ll self deport.

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