Understanding Viktor Orbán’s Purportedly ‘Unlimited’ Emergency Powers over Hungary – IOTW Report

Understanding Viktor Orbán’s Purportedly ‘Unlimited’ Emergency Powers over Hungary

American Thinker-

Mario Alexis Portella

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is one of the most controversial national leaders in the Western world.  Just over a month ago, his majority Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Alliance) Party pushed through the “unlimited” emergency powers by a two-thirds majority of Parliament on March 30.

Orbán has been harshly criticized by the European Union for his firm stance in keeping (predominantly Muslim) refugees from entering Hungary ever since he closed the borders to them in 2015.  Consequently, Orbán has been accused by the international community of being an Islamophobe, especially after he said: “Islam has never been part of Europe, it came to us.  We in Hungary decide what we want or don’t want. We don’t want that.” 

What Orbán’s critics failed to mention is that Hungary, a country of just under 10 million, was ruled for over a century by the oppressive Islamic Turks and was always on the front line during the many centuries of hostility between Christian Europe and the Muslim Ottoman Empire invaders.  The Hungarian Prime Minster has thus far been able to keep his country safe from Islamic terrorism compared to the United Kingdom, France and Germany, which took in large flows of illegal immigrants.

Yet the focus is Orbán’s emergency powers, now that Hungary is reopening after its lockdown.  read more

3 Comments on Understanding Viktor Orbán’s Purportedly ‘Unlimited’ Emergency Powers over Hungary

  1. I have admired and respected Mr. Orban for a long time. Considering his stance, of course he is being attacked; I believe he is strong enough to withstand it.


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