Unhinged Leftists Interrupt and Shut Down Pete Hegseth’s Nomination Hearing – Including Code Pink Communists – They Want Their Wars! – IOTW Report

Unhinged Leftists Interrupt and Shut Down Pete Hegseth’s Nomination Hearing – Including Code Pink Communists – They Want Their Wars!


If these people were Trump supporters they’d be tossed in prison for eight years.

Far left protesters interrupted and shut down Pete Hegseth’s nomination hearing on Tuesday.

The far left protesters are opposed to Republicans and Trump supporters who want to end the bloody conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

It’s like the Democrat Party has NO IDEA who they are or what they represent anymore.

The first protester interrupted Pete Hegseth’s opening statement. They really don’t want to hear what he says. And they say they support “democracy?”

Via ALX and the Senate Armed Service Committee video.

10 Comments on Unhinged Leftists Interrupt and Shut Down Pete Hegseth’s Nomination Hearing – Including Code Pink Communists – They Want Their Wars!

  1. “It’s like the Democrat Party has NO IDEA who they are or what they represent anymore.”

    …that is patently not true.

    They know very well who they represent.

    They represent their master satan.

    That also informs who they are.

    They are servants of the devil.

  2. Fine! The LibTurds and DildoCrats want their wars? Let them have their wars!
    “We have the perfect place for you to protest.
    Sign here. Get on this bus, which will take you to a plane.
    We will fly you to your destination. You will get further instructions and materials at your destination.”
    Destination = Being dropped off in Middle East, Ukraine, or anywhere there is a war going on.

  3. “It’s like the Democrat Party has NO IDEA who they are or what they represent anymore.”

    They are always ANTI

    Anti everything. They are SO anti, that they often butt heads with fellow travelers because they have blinders on for their minute-focus interests.

    We can count on that for entertainment, but it’s also ammo in the public discourse when they contradict themselves.

  4. ” Anonymous Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 13:30 at 1:30 pm

    Domestic Enemy on full display.

    A patriot would want to take them out. That shows you who’s a patriot and who is NOT.”


    Anonymous accounts trying to make this site look like violent extremists.

    Pardon me for looking at you with a leery eye, Mr Anon.

  5. “Anonymous accounts trying to make this site look like violent extremists.”

    No no. I meant a patriotic public servant, if any exist.

    And “take them out” starts with taking them out of the Senate Chamber.

    But yes, if my personal anger, which I am more than disciplined enough to contain, shines through, I guess. Because half of this country has proven itself to be unworthy to be called neighbors and fellow citizens.

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