Union Officials Live High on the Hog from Rank-and-File Dues – IOTW Report

Union Officials Live High on the Hog from Rank-and-File Dues

Some things never change.

LifeZette: Multiple media sources confirm the data here about spending by top officials from the United Auto Workers — check it out.

It’s always been interesting to watch those who say they speak for the working class of this nation do so from positions of wealth and excess.

During this 2020 campaign season so far, the Democrats are sporting several candidates who assail President Donald Trump for his wealth, which he achieved well before his presidential run, of course — but these people themselves either come from gold-plated backgrounds or live their own lifestyles of the rich and famous.

A special interest group that generally supports the Dems is, and historically has been, one of the worst examples of that tendency, as this writer sees it. That group is Big Labor.

Now, a New York Times story of Thursday relates that federal prosecutors have uncovered how top officials of the United Auto Workers spend the union dues that their members contribute to keep the union viable.

Well, the union honchos are not only way past the point of viability — they are positively swimming in it, according to this account. Multiple media sources confirm the data.

Gary Jones was the UAW president until he resigned last month over pressure following reports of his official financial habits.

One example of his over-the-top spending, according to court documents referenced by The New York Times: “A December 2015 Gary’s Sales invoice issued to ‘UAW c/o [UAW Official A/Jones]’ for a $13,046.91 purchase that included an order for 12 boxes of Ashton Double Magnum cigars at $268.00 per box (totaling $3,216) and 12 boxes of Ashton Monarch Tubos cigars at $274.50 a box (totaling $3,294).” read more

6 Comments on Union Officials Live High on the Hog from Rank-and-File Dues

  1. People too stupid to have other people steal for them. Oh, wait!

    Look, when you want to steal cigars put them on line item 326 of a 607 item PO for a new generator nobody needed or even asked for.

    Our telco union president… why should I even tell the story? He was/is a fucking maggot. A thief. A liar. And he should be put on a pike.

    I left the union on a friday. I became non-union on the next monday. I earned a 20,000 dollar increase per annum over a weekend. That little waxed mustache prick told me for 9 years that I would die without “Our glorious Union”!

    That prick asked, “Why do we wear red!?”

    “Because you are commie fucks.”

    Tom, my boss, giggling (in his office)and took off his glasses 27 times, and rubbing the top of his head said, “I fucking hate that greaseball, but you gotta kinda stop saying shit like that”.

    Tom was a good guy. HAA! I miss Tom.

  2. Look for the union **fable**

    Too much control and money in the hands of a businessman, politician, or union representative is bad news. Why do you think we don’t know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?

  3. The NEA makes the UAW look like pikers.

    The UAW et.al. are common fucking thieves. The NEA and AFT not only are scummy thieves, they’re out to destroy our culture, traditions and history by turning out millions of dumb downed young adults.


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