UniParty At Work – Paul Ryan SuperPac Campaigned to Elect Democrat Conor Lamb – IOTW Report

UniParty At Work – Paul Ryan SuperPac Campaigned to Elect Democrat Conor Lamb

CTH: It’s well known that Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan doesn’t want to be in an actual leadership position; and it’s also well known -enhanced by the campaign, and victory, of Donald Trump- that Republicans did not want to win the majority position and face having to reveal their true UniParty agenda.

The evidence of this UniParty positioning has been staring the electorate in the face, repeatedly and brutally, since candidate Donald Trump actually campaigned on key tenets of the Republican party and found himself being openly opposed by GOP leadership.

Conservative Treehouse

Now, a stunning discovery surfaces of Paul Ryan’s Congressional Leadership SuperPAC, congressionalleadershipfund.org, actually campaigning for the Democrat, Conor Lamb, in the recent PA18 congressional race.

As evidenced by Big League Politics the Paul Ryan SuperPAC sent a mailer to Pennsylvania CD-18 voters touting Lamb’s favorable position on gun ownership rights.

Now, there will be some who think this is just a bone-headed move by Paul Ryan because the Democrats already held a +50,000 registration advantage in the district and the SuperPAC didn’t know this mailer would actually end up supporting Lamb.  However, as mentioned, there’s a history here that tells us “a mistake” is likely not the case.

The real motive, based on an honest review of history, is the professional UniParty apparatus knew that Democrat Conor Lamb needed a lift to offset the cross party voting that was reflected in the district voting (by over 20 points) for Donald Trump in 2016.

The DC Republican apparatus is quite comfortable losing their majority position so long as they are not forced to support Trump policies which are entirely against their financial interests.  [How Mitch McConnell Crushed The Tea-Party]

Even before candidate Trump entered the 2016 presidential race, the agenda was visible for anyone who was willing to admit it.  READ MORE

12 Comments on UniParty At Work – Paul Ryan SuperPac Campaigned to Elect Democrat Conor Lamb

  1. When will Trump eject Mrs McConnell, Elaine Chao, from her cabinet position as Secretary of Transportation?

    Congressman Dave Brat was incensed by the same treatment by the same republican establishment years ago. They cratered him but good. Eventually He beat them and his is the model to defeat the likes of Eric Cantor.

    It’s down and dirty grass roots, face to face politicking.
    It’s never ending. It’s tiring. There are no guarantees of success. But it takes a ground game and massive effort.

  2. I had hoped the life span of the UNIPARTY would only be 28 years. Don’s election seemed to confirm its death.

    The last 6 months show that the UNIPARTY is as strong as it was in ’08 and much stronger than it was in ’91! How sad!


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