‘Unite the Right’ Organizer, Richard Spencer endorses Biden – IOTW Report

‘Unite the Right’ Organizer, Richard Spencer endorses Biden

Patriot Retort: Sometimes Karma is so damn entertaining, we really should award it a Lifetime Achievement Oscar.  Joe Biden has based his entire candidacy on the fiction that President Trump praised the neo-Nazis who marched at Unite the Right in Charlottesville.

And yesterday, Unite the Right Organizer Richard Spencer tweeted out his intent to vote not only for Biden, but for every Democrat in 2020.
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12 Comments on ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer, Richard Spencer endorses Biden

  1. Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer?? Mr. Biden, will you disavow the support of white supremacist Richard Spencer??

    That’s going to happen in the media soon…right?

  2. “The liberals are clearly more competent people”

    That darned Trump was supposed to be a genocidal totalitarian, and all he did was fix the stupid economy. If you want to get the important shit done, you have to go left, right, Richard?

  3. Votes for Hillary.
    Days after the election flips sides.
    He sets up unite the right in Charlottesville in an attempt to
    Set up Ttump!
    Now he endorses Biden.

    Did anyone ever believe him?
    He’s just a democrat operative & mole,
    He the pre-blm con job.
    The pre-antifia lie

  4. If you want to know where they fit in on the political spectrum, just go to any leftist website and read the comments therein. Antisemitism is one of the threads that bind the Democrat cloth together. Virulent antisemitism is so much the rule that you can seldom get through ten comments before it raises its ugly head.

  5. @JD – “…Antisemitism is one of the threads that bind the Democrat cloth together…”

    And still liberal Jews cling to democrat party. Talk about self-loathing.

  6. This group clearly was some leftist hacks that got together to smear conservatives and Trump. All the way from the name – Unite when the intent is anything other than that (a trademark of the left) to orchestrating that event that of course went sideways. But that would just be a conspiracy theory right, because the left would never think to do something like that.

  7. “more competent people”…………more competent then what? A rock? A plant?
    If you use a comparative such as “more”, you need to have two things to compare against each other. Twatter idiots……………


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