University Employee Fired Then Re-Hired For Comment Defending Travel Restrictions – IOTW Report

University Employee Fired Then Re-Hired For Comment Defending Travel Restrictions

Kim Dearman was fired from her campus police dispatcher position at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse after making an offhand remark in response to a campus wide e-mail from the school’s chancellor, Joe Gow critical of the President’s attempt to place a travel moratorium on citizens originating from a few unstable nations.

Three days later Dearman was offered her job back after the termination made the papers. The school is reportedly in negotiations with Dearman and her legal counsel has asked for a $250,000 settlement.

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7 Comments on University Employee Fired Then Re-Hired For Comment Defending Travel Restrictions

  1. best thing to do is never say anything about anything to anybody or even when you are alone- there is always someone or something listening–I used to talk to my dog but not any more–she just might spill the beans on me one day. Like the Bush’s baked bean commercial. hahaha..

  2. Hey, Gow stupid is as stupid does. If she wins you should have to pay the $250,000 out of your own pocket and not the taxpayers! Indeed what a fool you are! Your comments (political) were proper but her comments (political) were improper! Sure sucks to be you!

  3. “I would wait until the check clears and quit in a spectacular fashion”

    No stay on until you can collect your pension and or continue until you can rise up to advance in pay and benefits. Chancellor Gow is a white Male and therefore a perpetrator of evil white male priviledge. She should stay in and be a living reminder of the evil of white, liberal men do.

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