University of Washington Leading the League in Psycho – List Of Triggering Words Triggers Me – IOTW Report

University of Washington Leading the League in Psycho – List Of Triggering Words Triggers Me


The word “grandfather” is problematic when “used as a way to exempt some people from a change because of conditions that existed before the change …” the guide explains. “‘Grandfather clause’ originated in the American South in the 1890s as a way to defy the 15th Amendment and prevent black Americans from voting.”

The words “spirit animals, ninja and guru” are problematic because these use “cultural appropriation.”

“No can do,” short for “I can’t do it,” is an imitation of Chinese Pidgin English.

Alternative words are provided.

It was surprising that “Y’all” was endorsed by a Pacific Northwest university.

“Y’all” is suggested, along with “folks, people, friends and you all” in place of “guys” to “avoid gendered pronouns that favor one gender over the other.”

Now this Hoosier-raised reporter needs to rethink “their” (not “her”) frequent use of “You guys” and habit of using “her.”

“Her” is “potentially offensive/non-inclusive” according to the guide, because “… gender and sexual orientation are not binary or limited to male and female or he/she and his/her.”

The guide says “use of ‘man’ is not inclusive, and thus sexist” in “man-in-the-middle, manpower, freshman, upperclassmen.”

“Webmaster” is in the racism section. “Housekeeping” is problematic because it can “feel gendered.”

And I need to stop calling my husband a “gray beard.” That’s ageist, though he is two years older than me. I’m supposed to call him a “knowledgeable person.” No way.


ht/ illustr8r

16 Comments on University of Washington Leading the League in Psycho – List Of Triggering Words Triggers Me

  1. It offends and triggers me that your ignorant and stupid crap about the language doesn’t care whether I am triggered or offended.
    Explain why your offended is more important than my offended. Even that offends me

  2. Jesus, what a bunch of fucking assholes. Why even go to college if this is the retarded bullshit you have to put up with? Get a technical degree in HVAC or something and make real money doing real work. Too man useless faggots in this country as it is.

  3. I sense there are some people in the world of purported academia who need to have real jobs in the real world before they can inflict this stupidity on another generation.

  4. The word “color” itself should be memory-holed. Several color names should go as well, like black, tan, yellow, red…

    It going to be a permanent revolutionary struggle to cleanse language of nuance, ambiguity, irony etc.

  5. so ‘gunman’ is out then too I guess, right? but, what about womanizer? is that still a thing? or does that have to go too? what about pleasure dome? is that being rude to bald humans as they do what humans do when they get their domes pleasured? now I’m confused, Is surplus not good to use? you know, because of the sur thing and the plus thing for more then one sur. My brain is starting to hurt. Then there’s bobby pin, is that making the london police angry at everyone, you know, because they’re called bobbies and criminals think the bobbies are always try’n to pin these crimes on them. it’s all startin to make sense now.

  6. let’s see..I love American English…the “Bronx Cheer” for example..

    so I will be “inclusive” and gather all the word police in a room..with me and a Mickey Mantle Louisville Slugger..I’m sure the “Bronx Cheer” will be heard loud and clear..

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