University Offering Course About Removing the President From Office – IOTW Report

University Offering Course About Removing the President From Office

Nothing says that you’re living under “literally Hitler” and a totalitarian dictatorship than being able to get college credit for studying about how to remove “literally Hitler” from office.

Campus Reform-

San Diego State University is offering a course dedicated exclusively to the topic of removing Donald Trump from office.

The one-unit course–“Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?”–will be offered in March and is set to be taught by Professor John Joseph Cleary. The required text for the course is Allan Lichtman’s The Case for Impeachment, a book published in response to Donald Trump’s election that advocates for the President’s removal from office.

The curriculum will also address “grounds for impeachment, removal, or indictment,” such as “conflict of interests, foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias, improper influence, nepotism, and a host of crimes, including conspiracy, false statements, and obstruction of justice.”


ht/ all too much

10 Comments on University Offering Course About Removing the President From Office

  1. What a waste of money and time. Libs reel the suckers in by the buckets full.

    This course will stand the test of time, like those awful movies successful actors make at the beginning of their careers. Great fodder for the Thanksgiving table in about 20 years.

  2. “conflict of interests, foreign emoluments, climate change, racism, religious bias, improper influence, nepotism, and a host of crimes, including conspiracy, false statements, and obstruction of justice.”

    I watched Jerome Powell fed chair dick speak today and he was under attack with all kinda questions surrounding gender, ethnicity, equal this, fair that.

    The goddamn democrats have it all backasswards. They fail in every way to see they are openly doing what they preach against.

    I didn’t see a single black rep stand up and voice vehemently for the American populace as a whole. NO, every time they took the time to speak about figuring how to rig the system specifically FOR their color, for THEIR people, for THEIR this and that. Then wrap up impossible to meat ransom demands. One of the dicks up there said the last time blacks were fully employed is with slavery. C’mon, he’s either whistling for slavery to return or to hold whites hostage in some sort of productivity demand. Whites demand blacks output productivity or put into slavery to get blacks to full unemployment. what a hoot. Hey, how about pull off welfare as a third alternative to create actual incentive. Nope, it was a grandstanding shitshow and it has not been a pleasure wasting money on it.

  3. A fool and his/her parents money are soon parted. A one credit class? That’s not even serious.

    Maybe a dozen or so students can figure out what thousands haven’t been able to do so far. Tossing out a duly elected president who received 50+ million votes, but you’ll wish trump out of office with no evidence of high crimes.

    Good luck with that Snowflakes.

    Must have shattered your world today when Trump reannounced for 2020.

  4. As a UCSD graduate, we always laughed at the lack of academic rigor at SDSU.

    Of course, UCSD has slipped quite a bit with stupid BLM antics being tolerated so they no longer get any donations.

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