University professor who lost job for ‘black privilege’ comment is reinstated, wins back lost pay – IOTW Report

University professor who lost job for ‘black privilege’ comment is reinstated, wins back lost pay

P M:

Central Florida University has been ordered to rehire Charles Negy, an assistant professor who was fired for a June 2020 tweet about “black privilege.” An arbitrator recently overruled the school’s decision to fire him and ordered salary lost during the firing period be paid.

Negy’s since-deleted tweet reads: “Black privilege is real: Besides affirm. action, special scholarships and other set asides, being shielded from legitimate criticism is a privilege.” more here

4 Comments on University professor who lost job for ‘black privilege’ comment is reinstated, wins back lost pay

  1. “Black privilege is real: Besides affirm. action, special scholarships and other set asides, being shielded from legitimate criticism is a privilege.”

    …they sure don’t like someone “Speaking Truth To Power” when it’s THEIR power the truth is being spoken to, do they?

    They cannot deny it is truth.

    That is why they refuse to let anyone speak it.

  2. “Truth: The New Hate Crime.”

    At least ONE arbitrator at ONE school in ONE state is standing up for Liberty.
    I won’t get all giddy and hope that rationality catches on …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Captain Esteban:
    Arrest that woman! Now!

    Charlotte Taylor Wilson:
    No, wait! Isn’t this the village square, where according to law, everyone is allowed to speak his or her mind?

    Captain Esteban:
    You’re right, Señorita. [yelling to the crowd] The woman is allowed to speak! But arrest anyone who listens.”


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