University Students Comforted with ‘Counseling’ after Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop – IOTW Report

University Students Comforted with ‘Counseling’ after Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop


University students in Massachusetts who were upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop were offered counseling services at Framingham State University.

screaming hippie

The offer came after the university’s “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” Sean Huddleston, described the display of the small Confederate flag sticker as a “bias incident.”

According to Metrowest Daily News, students filed two “bias reports” within the past month as a result of a student displaying the flag in some way. The most recent bias incident – reported on November 19 – was a report of a student having seen a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop.

In an email to students, Huddleston did not declare a ban on displaying the flag, but claimed that it upsets some students.

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38 Comments on University Students Comforted with ‘Counseling’ after Seeing Confederate Flag on Laptop

  1. Just how old is that ‘student’ with her graying hair and yellow teeth? What’s scary is not only that we have so many people like this walking around totally unhooked from reality, but that some of them have quite a lot of power and influence.

  2. This is the generation that is next up to bat?

    Lordie-and they’re the ones that will have to deal for reals with the moslim invasion when they have been here for years and have had their feet on the ground. They’ll lead this country right to the slaughterhouse

    Thank god I’ll be dead.

    I read a trilogy of books a few years ago that had the US splitting into a number of different regions controlled by varying political factions-one were of course the moslims, another was called the Bible Belt-it wasn’t a happy place. It’s certainly more of a possibility now then when I read them.

  3. Those idiots will never be able to get the internal fortitude and sense needed to get up to bat. Mother Nature has a way to deal with deficient life forms (it would appear that the human animal has progressed as much as possible and has now started to reverse the process and to quickly retrograde).

  4. Counselors? How about socialist indoctrine perpetuators, honest terminology ; )

    “We’ll protect you from those mean hateful people”.

    I’m convinced we’re in the days where what has been known as good in the past will absolutely be demonized.

    The Enlightenment? Bullshit.

  5. Perfect for a bunch of sophomoronic, stunted, ignorant, self-centered, entitled, eternal 13 year olds.

    Horny pubescent narcissism in adult bodies.

    We’re raising a generation of Charlie Sheen wannabees – so terrified of life that they’ll withdraw into drugs and licentiousness until the STDs kill them.

  6. Counseling services?? Why do these fragile little indoctrinees even leave the house or turn on a computer??

    “chief diversity and inclusion officer,” now that’s some Cloward-Piven bullshit right there.

    They call it “a dark period in the history of the United States”, as if it will inflict damage on them if they have to look at it. Yet, they never shut their fucking mouths about “slavery” and “reparations”, proof that they really dwell on that shit all the time.

    Nuthouse, big fucking nut house.

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