Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People – IOTW Report

Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

Montana Daily Gazette – Unintentional effects of the Covid-19 vaccines should be expected as the vaccines are still on trial until 2023, but many of these adverse effects have startled the unvaccinated.

The reports began with an unvaccinated Instagram user sharing with her followers that after years of regular cycles she missed her menstrual cycle two months in a row. Shortly after she shared her experience, the woman began noticing mainstream news articles drawing a connection between menstrual issues and the covid vaccine.

After hypothesizing that women’s negative reaction to the experimental mRNA vaccines- even if they’re unvaccinated- may be due to shedding, many other women started sharing their testimonies.

Read the rest and some stories from women who have experienced this.

h/t Dadof4 from his comment on this post.

30 Comments on Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People

  1. My sisters been harassing me for a month to get the vaccination. I told her I would be passing on that option while informing her that chances are the vaccine would probably make you sick. Bingo! Guess who’s quarantined at home with covid. Her and her son that were both vaccinated weeks ago. They thankfully are not seriously ill with just headaches and feeling like crap.

  2. “After hypothesizing that women’s negative reaction to the experimental mRNA vaccines- even if they’re unvaccinated- may be due to shedding, many other women started sharing their testimonies.”

    Shedding of what? Hair? Skin cells? Uterine cells? And by whom? Them? Or other vaccinated women?

    (Poorly worded article.)

  3. no matter how much you point to the dangers of the vax, the sheep flock towards it because the government and media told them to. No thinking required, only compliance.

    2 types of people in the world. Those who think government is there to help you, and those who think.

  4. It’s the hip thing. All the cool kids have gotten there’s…

    I ride commuter rail to work daily and this is the latest obsession/pick up topic etc.

    My ten year old flip phone is an indication of how inclined I am to join in the conversation. It is no less inane than when grown adults were packing around and discussing their Hairy Potter books.

  5. I sent this to Claudia because it is not the first time I’ve heard of it.

    Even before hearing of anything personal like this, it’s been declared that the whole plandemic was to reduce the population of the Earth.

    People can keep denying what they see, but the New World Order keeps popping up as the real answer to what’s happening.

    Affecting those that CAN reproduce would be the perfect targets.

    How sad is it that people like me will have the actual cojones to start anew? I’m old, but willing to die for refusing to be jabbed and/or denying Jesus. We need Godly teachers to raise and guide the future men and women of this world, despite who sired them.

    There are too many to shoot. Willing to hear of any solutions, but am also ready to accept my fate.

  6. A guy I work with is liberal and hated Trump…orange man bad of course…and like a typical liberal blamed everything on him. Well once our workplace got the Moderna vaccines lined up, he was one of the first to get it. “It’s the right thing to do. If anyone doesn’t get the vaccine, then fuck them and let them get the virus. If you don’t get the shot, then you are just self centered asshole.” I could add more.

    Well, hate to admit it but I had a good laugh when a certain someone started to get sick from the vaccine, so much he missed two days of work. Had headaches, sore throate, sore back, was in a fog for several days and just felt miserable. That’s what you get for being a know-it-all dipshit.

  7. So strange.
    I can see unvaccinated nurses absorbing the vaccine in micro-bits as the inject people some way somehow causing issues but just being around a vaccinated person having an ill effect vis osmosis-I don’t know. But, anything is possible with this experiment I guess.

  8. For anyone who doesn’t know what “shedding” means, here’s an explanation:


    Have you heard the expression, “Don’t get any on ya”?
    That applies here. lol

    Covid plus whatever they put in the shot must be combining and sneaking up on others they come in contact with. Creepy shit.

    And as I made the comment yesterday, one day the vaccinated may be discriminated against just as the non-vaccinated are today.

  9. Not for me. There’s no way to know the long term effects, and the Pharma companies are immune (ha ha, get it?) from lawsuits for any side effects.

    If we were stacking bodies in the streets, some of this could be understood. The vaccine, along with all the virtue signaling, has taken on religious significance to its adherents.

    I continue to pray for my country, and know that all things work for good for those who love God. Trusting in Jesus.

  10. I half expect the genetic manipulant (‘vaccine’) to be sexually transmissable in a heterosexual encounter, M->F.
    Similar for blood transfusions.

  11. Hmmm, I have not had a cycle in 5 years. Yet, have been experiencing ovulation pain. Alternating right and left. Just like in the old days!
    I am an unva((inated nurse in a sea of vackxers. Curiouser and curiouser.

  12. Oh, shit. It never occurred to me that this crap might induce viral shedding in the vaccinated which might be communicated to the non-vaccinated. I was more worried about things like receiving blood contaminated with a “vaccine” during a medical procedure. As if I needed another reason to keep vaxholes at arms-length (or even further). Knowing that many people would refuse to get the shots, it would not surprise me if this was a feature, and not a bug.

  13. I’ve been concerned with this for awhile and have said for awhile vaccinated people scare me a hell of a lot more than covid-positive people. We don’t know what the hell they put in that shit.

    I am now officially the only one of my siblings to not be vaccinated and the only one who refuses to wear a mask. These are the reasons I were told by them why they got it: I don’t want to get sick, I just want this stuff over with, my spouse got it, my daughter and son-in-law got it, so I wanted to do it for them, my spouse told me I had to.

    My mother got her second dose and went downhill in a hurry, such a hurry that she passed away, yet I’m the only one who thinks the vaccine did it, but then I’m the only one not stupid enough to get it, so I don’t have to wonder when that ticking time bomb will go off.

  14. As I keep telling those who say YOU NEED TO GET THE VAXX, the only way I’m taking it is if you kill me first, and that sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?

    I’m not a guinea pig, so nope, not taking this garbage now or in the future.

  15. @ Anonymous Shedding refers to the viral particles released by vaccinated people. the antibody reaction changes the/ mutates the virus slightly, DR Vernon Coleman did a video about this awhile back his theory is the vaccine could be a huge problem for everyone including the unvaxxed. I will look for the vid post it if I find it.


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