Up, Up, And Away! – IOTW Report

Up, Up, And Away!

I have been watching this thing hover over Baltimore for almost a year and have often wondered what would happen if the tether broke.  Well, now I know.

Read about the JLENS Blimp HERE.


9 Comments on Up, Up, And Away!

  1. The loss of the blimp has not weakened those defenses,

    Either A) The blimp doesn’t actually perform defences, but rather routine surveillance on Americans, or B) It is a useless redundant system that we don’t need to waste money on.

    However given a circumstance of coincidence, it would have been a mandatory system that failed at a time when we most needed it.

    Just sayin’.

  2. The freaking thing went from Aberdeen to Bloomsburg at about 7 MPH before 2 F16’s were able to bring it down. Russia must be pissing themselves laughing so hard. Good thing ISIS or ISIL didn’t have a nuke in it. It just gave them an easy way to take down the grid, a balloon with a long cable on it.

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