Update on that “Whistleblower” Story: Ukraine Government Initiated Contact – Giuliani Engagement Was Requested by State Dept. Officials – IOTW Report

Update on that “Whistleblower” Story: Ukraine Government Initiated Contact – Giuliani Engagement Was Requested by State Dept. Officials

[…] Apparently in the phone call, President Zelensky was explaining what action the Ukranian government had already taken to try and get the information about corrupt U.S. officials, including former VP Joe Biden, to the U.S. government.

CTH: Well, well, well… the media cannot say President Trump didn’t try to warn them about throwing fake-news rakes in front of their narrative parade – then wondering why they keep getting black-eyes.   Here we go, the details begin to surface.

With more reporting by John Solomon, cited and attributed to on-the-record officials in the State Department and Ukraine, a much more clear picture emerges. In reality, and unfortunately as expected, the fulsome picture is 180° divergent from the media narrative. MORE HERE

8 Comments on Update on that “Whistleblower” Story: Ukraine Government Initiated Contact – Giuliani Engagement Was Requested by State Dept. Officials

  1. This is pretty much what I expected to happen, with the initial reporting being very different from what actually took place.

    But how well will the truth be covered by the MSM, the ones that did the initial reports. and how many mainstream voters will ever know about it?

    I expect the Left to move forward with it as if it was all true and an shows the corruption of Trump and the Republicans, and I expect most of those who listen to them to believe what the Leftists are telling them about it.


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