Updates on the NFL mess – IOTW Report

Updates on the NFL mess

Looking exactly like the bunch of surly, sullen, spoiled babies they are, during Thursday night’s NFL game between the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears, the players might have all chosen to be muscle-bound pouters while locking arms, but… BUT!… those very same surly, sullen, spoiled babies were all standing for the “Star-Spangled Banner.”    – MORE


Packers’ Attempt to Involve Fans In Anthem Demonstration Falls Flat, Most Chant ‘USA!’ Instead.

The Packers players wrote a long letter to their fans this week. A letter in which the team asked their fans to join them in interlocking arms during the anthem on Thursday night.

According to quarterback Aaron Rodgers, this was a moment that stood for, “…equality.” As well as “…unity and love, and growing together as a society and starting a conversation around something that may be a little bit uncomfortable for people.”

Well, as it turns out, most Packers fans didn’t want to have a “conversation,” weren’t interested in”growing together,” and certainly had no desire to be made “a little bit uncomfortable.” Instead, the activity most Packers fans elected to participate in when it came time to honor America, was to chant “USA! USA! USA!:”


NFL Ticket Sales Plummet Nearly 18% After President Trump Calls Protesting Players Out

The NFL has learned in one week what it took Hillary Clinton almost two years to find out, and that is, more people agree with Donald Trump.

Sales of NFL tickets at the online ticket re-seller site TickPick have cratered, dropping off 17.9 percent which is a number far worse than the average Week 3 drop off, according to the Washington Examiner.

The NFL sales at TickPick dropped 17.9 percent this week, nearly double the 10.8 percent drop-off during Week 3 in 2016.


Steelers’ Maurkice Pouncey: ‘We’ll All Be Standing Out There for the National Anthem’

“I promise you one thing, this week we’ll all be standing out there for the national anthem. Trust me,” Pouncey said Wednesday.


43 Comments on Updates on the NFL mess

  1. I’m sorry but locking arms is still a form of disrespect! One stands at attention with hand over the heart or, if in uniform, saluting. As one that comes from a family that offered up five brothers, one of whom did not return,during WWII I still find their collective behavior disgusting. If they want a discussion by all means lets have that discussion but with everything on the table from the break down of the black families to the black on black murders in Chicago to the blackmail and victim hood created and pushed by Jackson and Sharpton. And, then let’s discuss the shooting deaths and the myriad of problems faced by cops everyday in the streets of our big cities mostly governed by Democratic bosses for decades. Discussions are a two way street not a one way beat down especially by the side that really does not want to “discuss” anything but want everything their way only.

  2. The NFL logo itself resembles the American flag. They have an “American ” conference. Either man up and enforce that or change it. Everyone should hit em with that ultimatum.

  3. What the players fail to understand is that we want to hear nothing from them except the standard “…give 110% blah blah blah…” non-sense comment when they absolutely must speak.

  4. Look how far this country has come since 2001 when the towers came down and everyone was an American first, all pulling together and helping each other wherever possible. We elected our first black president and who would have thought this is where we would be in 2017…on the edge civil unrest and cultural suicide. There are forces at play here that are not obvious and lurk only in the shadows. Rich and powerful global manipulators creating discord in the name of equality and progressivism. Institutions are under attack from the leftist media. Trump is like David against Goliath. I pray he has the strength of his convictions to prevail.

  5. I wonder about the football players who, at least for now, are standing for the National Anthem and are silently saying to themselves, “You know what? These SJW snowflakes with an NFL jersey on are jeopardizing my family’s livelihood with this crap and I’m not gonna be silent no longer! MAGA!” Is there at least one out there? Just one?

  6. The saddest part about all of this is that the NFL and the owners should have known better right from the start (after all, it’s right there in the rule book) and that all this had to come down to money to get their attention! Well so be it, but don’t expect me to be a fan of that shit! I really don’t care about what they do from here on out. I can’t support a bunch of pampered children with chips on their shoulders who won’t show respect for that which gave them the opportunities that are only available in the United States of America. Opportunities by the way that are available to EVERYONE, but there has to be a little personal responsibility to take advantage of what is made available to you! No… they’re gonna have to wait for another generation to regain all their losses!

    But Wally, if Black lives matter, why don’t they do something about Blacks killing Blacks???

    Cuz Beave, that doesn’t fit the Leftist “White Supremacist” agenda to divide the Nation!

    Phuc ’em then Wally. Let ’em play to empty stadiums while the rest of us watch College football.

  7. I’m sick of petulant little girls and their media pimps.
    Eight years of Obola was MORE than enough.
    Now this!

    Not much more disgusting than a bunch of pampered, millionaire, drug-addled maggots (Hollyweird or Sports … or Politics, doesn’t make any difference) complaining about things they can’t begin to understand (or simply refuse to understand).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. not good enough, you 300 pound snowflakes must think we are as dumb as you are.
    I ain’t buying your crap. Ya’ll have shown your true colors, and they ain’t red, white and blue.

  9. As if we needed another reason not to watch the NFL, this weekend should start their month long PINK display for breast cancer awareness. The PINK display has become so outrageous the last few years it was near painful to watch a game. I wonder how much of a revenue drop the breast cancer charities will experience vs. year’s past??

  10. nfl flags players for taunting. Excessive exhibition and fines them for not wearing their uniform properly. Mercilessly drilled Tebow for kneeling.

    The game has been going downhill for 2 decades anyway. The thrill is gone.

  11. Any time you hear a liberal say they want a “conversation” or a “dialog” watch out. The idea is to get you to say something, anything, and no matter what it is the answer is always the same: You are a racist, and your free speech must be obliterated.

  12. @Jarhead Cracka: The Susan B. Komen breast cancer charity donates to Planned Parenthood. Since when has wearing anything pink in recognition of breast cancer ever cure breast cancer? My sister died of breast cancer, 2 good friends died with breast cancer. The magnetic breast cancer sticker I have on my car doesn’t cure a thing. Nor does the NFL standing in locked arms cures anything, it only breeds resentment.


  13. Today, and every Sunday from now on, until the snow comes, I plan to take the wife for a spin along Seven Lakes Drive, cross the Hudson River via the Bear Mountain Bridge and enjoy the changing leaves; the work of our Creator. Have a little lunch and a drink at Garrison G.C. or Cold Springs.
    Sit by the river bank and view West Point across the Hudson. Watch the boaters cruise up and down and an occasional barge trudge its towards the City nudged on by tug.
    Ah yes, my friends, there is life after the NFL.

  14. This is another industry it took Trump to save.
    The owners met this past Spring and didn’t do a thing about it.
    They hoped it would go away.
    “Don’t anyone hire Kaepernick and the monkeys will shut up.”

    Proof you can be a billionaire and clueless at the same time.

  15. @Goldenfox. I remember when Komen tried to discontinue their payments to Planned Parenthood, the squealing from PP, and that the Komen foundation knuckled under. I won’t knowingly give to PP, which means I don’t give to Komen. The NFL supposedly auctions off the PINK stuff, and donates that $$ to Komen. But I have no idea who really BUYS the PINK crap.

  16. Consider everyone’s awareness raised.

    The NFL is bursting at the seams with a bunch of Hate America faggots who resent their fans.

    Congratulations on communicating that clearly.

    I guess when you all reluctantly stand in the future that the fans can forget the last month ever happened and we’re we’re all cool. Right, bro?

  17. Perhaps the NFL can ditch the pink breast cancer uniforms as we all know it exists. Save the titties, ya’ll. Double D’s, no disease. Got it.

    Maybe they can wear black and blue to raise awareness of domestic violence and the role so many of them play in it.

  18. Hell, Trump ought to sign an executive order that any City recieving federal funds is not allowed to issue bonds or in anyway assist in paying for a professional sports league stadium. They can, if they choose, lower municiple taxes a maximum of 15% for a maximum of 7 years. Then see the squealing begin. No more blackmailing cities into new, sometimes costfree stadiums and therefore no more multi-million player contracts.

  19. “Conversation” my rear end. This is a SJW lecture and one-way monologue. Hey Rogers how about a conversation regarding the fact that blacks make up about 13% of our population but commit over 50% of violent crimes? I didn’t think so.

    Screw the national felons league. Used to be great but we all know why it went south.

  20. NFL = No Free Lunch!

    I’ve noticed that the majority of comments on the sites I visit are by people who do not watch pro football. Yet every one of them is paying for it vis-a-vis tax exemptions, sweet-heart deals, the blocking of anti-trust (monopoly) laws, tax payer funding of infrastructure (stadiums), etc., etc., all so a tiny minority of owners and the Lame Stream Media can reap 10’s and 100’s of millions of dollars in profits!

    ENOUGH! No Free Lunch for the NFL! No more massive, tax-payer subsidized profits for the naked, lying propagandist hell bent on destroying this the greatest nation on earth!

    Please contact your state’s Senators and Representatives and DEMAND that ALL public funding of this private enterprise cease IMMEDIATELY! DEMAND that special treatment in the form of legislations circumventing anti-trust laws end as soon as these discriminatory and un-American laws can be repealed!

    These America hating cowards are soaking the American people for $BILLIONS$ each year, and then spitting in our faces and lecturing us about unfair and unjust practices.

    ENOUGH is ENOUGH! No (more) Felons Lecturing the American people about things they’re clearly too illiterate and uneducated to even understand…No F-ing Longer should these miscreants be allowed to gorge themselves at the public trough…end the largesse now, No (more) Free Lunch is what the letters NFL should now and forever mean!

  21. Aaron Rodgers is a phony, hes not standing next to his offensive line, there to protect him, but rather next to the brothers in a display of virtue signaling. You want to make things more equal you dumb prick? How about you and all your stupid buddies donate your paychecks to the poor. How about stop going to practice, so you can be equal to the other team.. buncha nonsense

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