Uproar as German Lawmaker Proposes Observance of Muslim Public Holidays – IOTW Report

Uproar as German Lawmaker Proposes Observance of Muslim Public Holidays

Breitbart: A German lawmaker and member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet has sparked uproar by proposing the observance of Muslim public holidays.

Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told a rally in Lower Saxony he was open to the idea of discussing the addition of Muslim religious holidays to the German calendar. His call comes less than two years after Chancellor Merkel said: “Islam belongs to Germany.”

“Where there are many Muslims why shouldn’t we consider a Muslim holiday,” the interior minister said. He also questioned whether or not the Christian basis of German society was sustainable in the modern context.

“I do not know whether you can tell your children fluently what is the religious content of penance and prayer. Or Pentecost, if you know very well what was going on with the Holy Spirit?

“And yet our whole life rhythm was shaped by the Sundays and holidays.”

The proposal, contained in a speech posted in an audio clip on local news website regionalwolfsburg.de, prompted a backlash from fellow conservatives, who are due to start tricky three-way coalition talks with the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens next week.  more here

17 Comments on Uproar as German Lawmaker Proposes Observance of Muslim Public Holidays

  1. Might as well go for Hans. Their holidays will be the only ones observed in that part of the world in pretty short order anyway… And if you think you’re capitulation to them in any respect will win you favor in their eyes, all I can say is, SUCKER!!! Just consider how well they show their appreciation to you for the kindness and generosity anywhere they’ve been welcomed in by you freaking psychopaths, knowing that so far anyway, only you’re indigenous peoples have suffered at their murderous, demented hands. The good news is, they’ll be coming after you and your kind next… So, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Nah, that shit ain’t happening either…

  2. So, a cabinet member of Angela Merkel’s “Christian Democratic Union” wants the government to observe Muslim holidays?

    Well, at least if this job doesn’t work out for him, there should be a position in Paul Ryan’s “We’re Not The Democrats” party.

  3. Goodbye Christmas & Easter hello Ramadon and whatever the hell they call it when they cut themselves to never forget when Ali Whoever led a charge that turned into a massacre.

    Tragic, just tragic, we are witnessing the death of Western Civ in Europe.

  4. Stay home to throw gays from rooftop Day?
    Design your own clitoridectomy tools Day?
    Wear all black and bake in the sun Day?
    Burn infidels in a cage Day?
    Celebration of 9/11 Day?
    Jam a goat in the ass Day?
    Rape an 8 year old Day?

    Man, they could have majority of the year off.

  5. Gee, isn’t it funny how this moral coward waited until after the elections to take this stand. The German Army (at least the professionals) need to start planning a recall election and soon.

  6. Always remember, Germany: Christmas is ILLEGAL in Saudi Arabia, as is any non-Islamic religion or holiday. And in the rest of the Muslim countries, Christianity and Judaism are second-class citizens. In Iran, Baha’i are actually barred from attending university based on their religious beliefs alone. In Jordan, eating in public during Ramadan fasting hours is ILLEGAL and you will be prosecuted, even if you aren’t even Muslim. Absolutely not an exhaustive list.

    Let it all sink in.

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