Urine A Public Pool – IOTW Report

Urine A Public Pool

Just how much pee is in your average public pool?  Canadian scientists think they have found a way to estimate the amounts of urine mixed in with all the other chemicals and human byproduct by testing samples from pools and hot tubs for the presence of the artificial sweetener, aspartame potassium. The stuff doesn’t break down and remains stable in pool water.

In one study,  researchers took samples from a 220,000 gallon pool and a 110,000 pool over a three-week period.  They estimate that the larger pool had 75 liters (almost 20 gallons) of pee, and the smaller pool had 30 liters (almost 8 gallons).


19 Comments on Urine A Public Pool

  1. I used to manage a city pool. Worry about the high levels of chlorine sometimes it would
    would jump to 10 times the legal limit. When pee mixes with high levels of chlorine toxic gas is produced because of the ammonia in pee.

  2. ESPN or some sports channel covered this yesterday and I saw it without the sound on. I was sitting at the bar next to a twenty something black woman. I saw the Kyron (sp?) and did a whaaaat? She was perfectly fine with peeing in the poo…

    She’s a waitress there. Needless to say she’ll not be waiting on me. Ever.

  3. PHenry MARCH 3, 2017 AT 8:08 PM
    “They need to develop something that changes the color of the air on commercial aircraft if somebody farts.”

    That would be the definition of the perfect fart lol

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