US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (10-15-20) at 8pm EST – IOTW Report

US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (10-15-20) at 8pm EST

We’re live tonight @ 20h00 EST!!! Call in! (323) 870-3371

Here’s the link!


  • TJudge Amy Coney Barrett
  • Fill that seat!
  • Censorship at its best – Kaileigh McEnany’s Twitter account suspended for tweeting NY Post Biden corruption story.
  • Facebook, Twitter make editorial decisions to limit distribution of story claiming to show ‘smoking gun’ emails related to Biden and his son.
  • Communist style Censorship is now here in America.
  • Insanity on the left becomes more pervasive as the hearings go on.
  • Trump Rallies as impressive as ever while Sleepy Joe struggles to cram 10 people in at his gatherings.
  • Covid-19 measures used for political purposes – Riots – A-OK, Trump Rallies – NAY.
  • Attacks on our History and Culture continue, even in Canada.
  • Trump2020 MAGA

We must win if you want your Worldview and Western Civilization to continue.

7 Comments on US & Eh?! Show TONIGHT (10-15-20) at 8pm EST

  1. Covid is making these lists of things that would have dominated days worth of headlines on their own just fly by.

    For example, has it even been a week ago since Jerry Nadler pooped his pants on live TV in front of Nancy Pelosi and then penguin walked off stage?

  2. Holy God! Have not followed NBC and other mainstream “NEWS” since the Brinkley days! They have been turned. They are SICK!

    These people are turned, via brainwash and have been “re-educated” with the help of communist audio/video technology, public schools and commie professors. No matter how Trump answers their questions, it is all a Nazi-style NBC show-trial. Get hip, Trump!…you can never fix STUPID!

    It’s very simple. These people are SICK! They are lazy, limp cowards, hiding behind manipulated media technology who refuse to leave a Country they do not agree with. Instead, they want YOU to change. If you don’t, they will kill you if you do not agree with them…Good Luck, SICK F..ks!

    So, I suggest that NBC and all the commie-impregnated media MOVE to a country of its liking. Otherwi0se, YOU’RE trip is over. You are SICK!…and your women are unusually ugly!

  3. Mike Nordstrom October 15, 2020 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks, Mike. Good tune.

    Not a problem. These people are just getting old and are desperately clinging onto the world they knew as youths (especially the in-bred, Prince Charles).

    We Americans have already been exposed to these types back in the George Washington days. Besides, I no longer watch high school; “semi-graduates”, with no science courses acting in movies called. “The Titanic”.

    Unfortunately, they have never seen, felt or lived within America, as Americans have.

    We outnumber these morons. And, besides, I no longer watch them, nor hear their words.

    They will die like the rest of us. They just have never grown up to that fact of unusually intelliget human life.

  4. Mike,

    Sadly I just had a moment to take a look and find you’re on tonight. Not understanding how you might book time slots or what’s required to get on the air, but have a suggestion.

    For better or worse you need to be broadcasting on November 3rd.

    Have missed most if not all of the show not realizing you would be on tonight. That and previous commitments kept me from checking here at IOTW.


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