US nuclear subs to dock in South Korea to deter Pyongyang: Biden – IOTW Report

US nuclear subs to dock in South Korea to deter Pyongyang: Biden


United States President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol have pledged to strengthen deterrence against North Korea, including sending nuclear-armed US submarines and other military assets to South Korea.

Biden and Yoon discussed the new agreement between the two countries, dubbed the “Washington Declaration”, in a joint news conference following their meeting in Washington, DC to mark the two countries’ 70-year alliance.

Yoon is only the second leader, after France’s Emmanuel Macron, to be hosted in an official state visit at the White House since Biden took office in 2021, which his administration said underscored the priority Washington is giving to a key ally in the Indo-Pacific region.

Yoon said the new deterrence agreement represented an “unprecedented expansion and strengthening” of the bilateral strategy. It came as North Korea increased the pace of its weapons testing and unveiled an apparent recent breakthrough in its pursuit of solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missiles. more

11 Comments on US nuclear subs to dock in South Korea to deter Pyongyang: Biden

  1. I heard from the biden* regime that all of our military would be electric by 2030.
    Just sink those nuclear subs wherever they happen to be… for the climate gods.

    We deserve to die a horrid death if that motherfucker is president until 2028…

  2. Wouldn’t it be nice if U.S. Navy “boats” would dock in U.S. port and help out with “the grid?”

    I’m verklempt.

    Talk among yourselves.

    Here’s a topic … unmothball the mothballed fleet and retrofit all of the “boats” with nuclear reactors to power the grid. No muss. No fuss. No interference from Jane Fonda and her deep state goons. As fuel rods become spent, (i.e. uncontrollable,) chop them into little bits and litter them into and active volcano.

  3. What prevents NK from viewing these US subs as a provocation requiring a military response? Or do our Masterminds hope for such a reaction so they can escalate even further?

  4. “Nowut, that’s exactly the plan. WW3 will prevent the election on 24.

    They will literally rather sacrifice the nation than let PDJT run for office.”

    I’m positive that destroying the nation and handing it over to the NWO was on their agenda no matter who was running. DJT just showed them for who they are to the normal, sane people.

    Even if DJT was elected somehow, the agenda moves forward with even more violence. See 2020 riots for reference.


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