US to begin returning asylum-seekers to Mexico – IOTW Report

US to begin returning asylum-seekers to Mexico

American Thinker: The United States will begin implementing a new policy that will send asylum-seekers to Mexico until their cases are processed by immigration courts.  Previously, most asylum-seekers could wait in the U.S. for the chance to plead their cause in the courts.  But with asylum requests skyrocketing and the backlog in immigration courts growing, the Trump administration negotiated an agreement with Mexico to house asylum-seekers until their cases have been adjudicated. more here

6 Comments on US to begin returning asylum-seekers to Mexico

  1. I’d like to see the actual wording of that agreement, I think it may have some interesting clauses and commitments.

    In any event, if they’re fleeing violence in their home countries, why aren’t they seeking asylum in Mexico instead of the US where they’d fit into the local culture much more smoothly?

    Wonder what Mexico is getting out of the deal?

  2. Mexico is now saddled with these people. Let’s see how that sits with the Mexican people. The phony refugees will get all the freebies they want with the US paying for them. I think this may cause a little friction.


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