USA Today: Keeping America safe from “altered” images – IOTW Report

USA Today: Keeping America safe from “altered” images

Patriot Retort-

Yesterday evening got slammed with a tsunami of hits – all of which were heading toward three separate posts I’d done about Jill Biden. The influx was so intense, I almost changed the name of the site to And what was the source of this unfettered flow of readers? USA Today.

Yup, USA Today, the newspaper made famous for doubling as a welcome mat outside hotel rooms.

You can imagine my surprise that a national paper like USA Today would have any interest in little old me. I’m as harmless as a kitten. But I was curious.

So I did a Duck-Duck-Go search on “”+”Jill Biden” and limited the search to just Monday.

And there it was:

10 Comments on USA Today: Keeping America safe from “altered” images

  1. This is all part of a media scheme to plant doubt, and make us think that all those images of Joe sniffing little girls, or Hunter getting his knob polished, just might, maybe be altered.

  2. Liberals with a sense of humor are as rare as an Albino rooster with teeth…as rare as a cross-eyed alligator with a Phd…as rare as a 100 foot tall palm tree at the south pole.


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