Usage of Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Come Unraveled After a Week – IOTW Report

Usage of Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Come Unraveled After a Week

The hype was deafening earlier this month when Meta rolled out its alternative to Twitter called “Threads.” Here

The word now is that half the people that gave it a try haven’t returned. Here

But Zuckerberg isn’t worried his new app won’t break the surface again after its big initial splash. Here

11 Comments on Usage of Zuckerberg’s “Threads” Come Unraveled After a Week

  1. It can’t work because it’s an echo chamber and no one will go there who isn’t woke, and those folks need someone to get offended by more than they do oxygen. That’s why they don’t come back, because if everyone agrees that straight, White males are the sum of all evil, who can they lambast?

    It’s like sticking a liberal in a room with himself. He can’t stand the company very long, and hearing his own thoughts echoed makes him realize how stupid he sounds, so he needs to lash out to drown out the the last dying voice of reason in his own shriveled soul…

  2. Suckerberg, more money, buy more elections.
    Same censorship, the truth isn’t allowed here.
    Suckerberg even looks like he has a predilection toward little boys.

  3. LOL. Love how they word this BS:

    “A rush of extremist voices came to Threads — some of the same people on Twitter who drove so many disgruntled Twitter users to Threads,” Kayla Gogarty, research director at Media Matters, said in an interview.

    Many of those figures, including Nazi sympathizers, anti-gay extremists and white supremacists, flocked to Threads last week and immediately began testing the platform’s content-moderation limits. Gogarty said Meta has “seemingly dropped any pretense of enforcing Instagram’s hate-speech policy that prohibits the anti-LGBTQ ‘groomer’ slur.”

    They say that, but mean this:

    Many of those figures, including Trump Voters, Normal Straight People and White Male Conservatives, flocked to Threads last week and immediately began testing the platform’s content-moderation limits. Gogarty said Meta has “seemingly dropped any pretense of enforcing Instagram’s far-left-speech policy that prohibits any form of free speech.”

  4. MSN MarketWatch:

    Mark Zuckerberg says he’s ‘confident Threads is on a good path’

    That’s because he’s a GMO reptilian wearing a skin suit and powered by Artificial Unintelligence.

  5. “…the anti-LGBTQ ‘groomer’ slur.”

    The first usage of the term “grooming” that I ever heard—at least a decade ago—was in reference to male muslims in Britain initiating young, white girls into a life of sexual exploitation. Groomer fags and their Groomer-adjacent apologists can wear the shoe if it fits, but the term “groomer”, but the term is not a slur; it is descriptor for a certain kind of evil which knows no particular sexual orientation.


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