Muslim husbands should abandon wives if defending them jeopardizes his life—as they are just another possession that can easily be replaced – IOTW Report

Muslim husbands should abandon wives if defending them jeopardizes his life—as they are just another possession that can easily be replaced


The fartwa comes from this learned gasbag. READ HERE

ht/ Mary From Marin

12 Comments on Muslim husbands should abandon wives if defending them jeopardizes his life—as they are just another possession that can easily be replaced

  1. Yeah, and if you ever attend a “dialogue” on Islam, the women are always there in force, fiercely defending the system that subjugates them and their douche-monger husbands and imams.

    What am I missing? They’re expendable, and they have no standing in this life or the next, except as slaves, but nobody hates us worse than these women do. It’s bizarre.

  2. Thus we have the single-minded, low IQ cave man fueled on pure 7th century hatred hell bent on destruction in the name of a sick, twisted religion of pieces! Only one “religion” is dedicated to murder, mayhem, violence and destruction that can justify treating women like a piece of furniture. If you are a Degreed, over-educated, self-absorbed, dumbed-down, White guilt-ridden, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, rainbow-plantation, smug, elitist, mind-numbed, Leftist who somehow fells obligated to “appreciate” people dedicated to this insanity then I invite you to have yerself a large cup of camel urine on me!

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