UV scanning at Arizona audit appears to show them using Jovan Pulitzer’s infamous technique – IOTW Report

UV scanning at Arizona audit appears to show them using Jovan Pulitzer’s infamous technique


Maricopa County in Arizona is one of the first major audits to be performed. It’s happening right now despite multiple attempts by Democrats to block it. A video from the audit, which can be seen live at AZAudit.org, appears to show Pulitzer’s scan in action, though there has been no confirmation of this.


ht/ joe6pak

26 Comments on UV scanning at Arizona audit appears to show them using Jovan Pulitzer’s infamous technique

  1. Jovan Pultizer is one of us, he was offered $10 million to not turn over his patented technology to audit the votes. He knew he isn’t wrong.

    “Two things. I had, and just so you know how bad this is, and I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this.”

    “I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take a bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me.”


  2. From the article at the link:

    On Saturday the coliseum cameras caught election workers scanning ballots individually in ultra-violent light. It appears the election workers are running true forensic testing on the ballots.

    Freudian slip? Doing violence to Communism’s cheats?

  3. organized teams, red-yellow-blue-green-black

    from what i could see in the vid individual ballots seem to be sized?, photographed, & exposed to ultra violet light
    they’re probably documenting ballot counts too

  4. Remember, this isn’t the only part of the process.
    There are whistleblowers with signed affidavits who know how mass election fraud works. They all worked for the government and one of them used the process to fix foreign elections. They had been, previously, anonymously sending proof to Congress for years and nothing was ever done about it. That person has been talking about this out in the open since 2012. Still, nothing was done. There aren’t just Dems in Congress.

  5. I’m reading a heavily armed AZ Militia has swung in and set up a perimeter around this place when LE where ordered to stand down. Wish I where there, despite Miss Kitty’s damnation.

  6. Roger.

    Here’s a tidbit from an LEO acquaintance in Acampo you might salivate over.

    “OK. I have a friend via FB who is close friends with two more I know. George M. Nasif is a CYBER SECURITY EXPERT AND FORMER GOVT. OPERATIVE in high tech intelligence. He, Mike Lindell and five others were called in the middle of the night around Jan. 5th to pack up and prepare to be picked up for a flight out. The first landed in Texas at an undisclosed AFB and met with a couple of high ranking military officers. They were then flown to DC and spent 5 days with Trump. Geo. told me that he handed Trump documents he had acquired and when Trump looked at them he made a fist and hit his right hand saying, “I knew it…” Today, Geo. posted on FB via my and his friend, Hannah Mae Limpic, also in the same business showing that he had millions of intel on all the corrupt players in both houses that took bribes and bowed down to corruption to cast their votes against Trump and the real outcome of the election. Judges, Killary and many bad actors and their crimes of sedition and treason. He is now seeking a meeting with Trump at Mar A’Lago to present him with all the evidence of the crimes committed by the American SWAMP. Geo. wants this done before the end of the month because he said this has gone on too long. And maybe you may not know but Trump is protected by Delta Force as well as the secret service. He is currently the most protected man in the world. I don’t have to tell you why. Geo. was commissioned to do all the research back on 2016 because they knew the lefts playbook. The STORM is near.”

  7. Thank you Goldenfoxx for that link to Jovan’s interview. What an incredible man. I remember him from the hearing that they played a little piece of in this interview.

    If in fact they are using his methods to check EVERY ballot, then the lid will definitely be blown off of this fraud.

    And if these methods can be used to prove the fraud in enough states to challenge the outcome, then WTF?

  8. If the SCROTUS won’t hear it, it don’t matter. And the SCROTUS has proved itself to be anti-American, anti-Constitutional, and anti-Freedom.

    Most every American knows the “election” was riddled with fraud.
    Short of making treason a capital offense, there doesn’t seem to be much we can do about it.
    Until there are serious penalties for electoral fraud, there will be no changes. And yes, both sides of the aisle have a vested interest in maintaining the oligarchy as it presently exists. Generally speaking, governments tend to centralization, a trend towards totalitarianism. I don’t know why this is. It happens over decades or even centuries – it isn’t the same people who start it who reap the benefits. Some sort of corporatist bureaucratization? It also tends to petrify or fossilize or increase its density over time (Governmentium?) until it’s unable to cope with its internal contradictions, at which point, it is easily (but violently) knocked over (see Byzantium, America, England, France, Spain, Rome, Ottoman Empire, &c).

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. i think everyone knows the outcome of the audit already.

    the msm will gaslight or social condition the half of the country willing to believe that the results are not real.

    so, you and i know the election results scam, covid fraud and fbi – cia – doj corruption coming out of dc is at an all time high.

    we know.
    we cannot deny it.

    and still all elected officials and unelected bureaucrats are not swinging from lamp posts in dc.

  10. Abigail, evidence, 2 prior audits in Arizona found nothing, election/votes came up clean. Whats yours, hearsay, finger pointing…
    The guy involved this time, is a big time former guy supporter, him & pillow guy are in the same boat. All claims in court have been dismissed. Over turning an election not gonna happen.

  11. Who’s sock-puppeting?

    Biden used to do this thing where he’d put a sock over his … uhh … member and then try to get the little girls in the audience to kiss it. I think he called it “Rodney” or maybe it was “Pete” – I only heard about it at work – never saw it happen. Story may have been apocryphal.

    izlamo delenda est …


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