Uvalde Cops Knew Kids Were Still Alive Inside The School — And Waited Outside Anyway: Report – IOTW Report

Uvalde Cops Knew Kids Were Still Alive Inside The School — And Waited Outside Anyway: Report

h/t SNS

Daily Wire-

Police officers waited outside Robb Elementary School for more than an hour, despite being armed with the knowledge that there were still children trapped inside with the gunman, still alive, and possibly wounded.

According to an article published Thursday detailing an investigation — undertaken by The New York Times — into the widely-panned police response to the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas, body camera footage and documentation suggest that the initial claims made by law enforcement were false.

Uvalde school district top cop Pedro Arredondo, who was in charge at the scene of the shooting, reported that he was unaware students were dialing 911 from inside the classroom — one even taking a mobile phone from her deceased teacher in order to do so. But the Times report suggested otherwise.

“Heavily armed officers delayed confronting a gunman in Uvalde, Texas, for more than an hour despite supervisors at the scene being told that some trapped with him in two elementary school classrooms were in need of medical treatment, a new review of video footage and other investigative material shows,” Times reporter J. David Goodman wrote, citing footage from officers’ body cameras and documentation compiled after the shooting. “Instead, the documents show, they waited for protective equipment to lower the risk to law enforcement officers.” more

20 Comments on Uvalde Cops Knew Kids Were Still Alive Inside The School — And Waited Outside Anyway: Report

  1. Every officer that was there should be fired with total loss of pension and benefits, arrested and charged with negligent homicide and child endangerment.

  2. …every single time that I think my opinion of the UPD can’t get any lower, a further bit of info comes out to show what worms they truly are.

    I know nothing of Uvalde, and little of police mentality in general other than from having served in a sometimes allied, but very distinct, capacity alongside them as a firefighter and EMT. But with even that little bit, I can tell you that the men and women who it was my honor to respond alongside of were not of a chatacter that would EVER tolerate this kind of inaction as children were slaughtered, and they KNEW it.

    We jokingly called our officers “Canaries” because they had a pronounced tendency to go into situations ahead of us (being already in their cars and frequently in the area of an incident) with a haste that was probably not on the best of advice given the situation may be a liitle toxic and/or with hazards they didn’t train to recognize. This made them canaries in the sense that, if the cop went down, the atmosphere probably required a bit more in the way of breathing appartus than was readily apparent and to adjust accordingly.

    In truth we DID have to extract officers from such situations, (and you’d get an absolutely AMAZING multi-agency escort to the hospital if so), but that was only PART of it. They usually went before us on medical runs too, sometimes having to subdue a crazy or deal with a situation that was other than reported. One time a guy set his house on fire so he could shoot at resonders (and the first responding Lieutenant is forever grateful his aim stunk) that our cops had to deal with instead as his house burned merrily down around them. Another time they did a hell of a job picking off a guy who was busting lights with the squad so he could finish off a rival gang member at the hospital along with whoever got in his way. I’ve seen them lie in wait when someone abandons a young child in a running car, roll over my back with a drug dealer while I was trying to treat his father’s stroke, try to keep kids alive through major trauma in crumpled cars (you get a serious adrenaline upgrade when the County calls you and says “8 Sam (a police call sign) says step it up”, because of THOSE guys are rattled, I’m getting REAL concerned), taken down violent mentals ahead of us…

    …I could go on, but you get the idea. Not once in 10 years did I see one shirk his duty or slink away out of personal fear. To the contrary, in some cases it would have made MY life EASIER had they been a bit less adventurous and I didn’t have to patch one up.

    And on the fire side, yes, the hazards are different, but there’s no less a chance that attempting to save a child’s life can be your death. It happens. But despite that, no one refuses to go into that burning building or that gasoline soaked wreck to do so, having long ago made peace with the fact that such hazards are inseperable from the job. You just do it, and freak out about it later if need be, with your brothers and away from the victim and the public.

    You wanna give an ER a hotfoot, bring them a child. We had one that had been hit by a car, for example, and they called a trauma code as quick as we hit the hospital. BAM, so many white coats we got squeezed out after transferring the kid. Highly learned specialists from every branch of medicine that could help was there to see if their particular services could help, with those not in immediate need peeling off quickly with some to make plans for later, winnowing down to a core that could do the most good the quickest for the specific issues of the child at hand.

    That’s the sort of response a child in desperate need engenders, whether you know the kid or not. Balls out, damn the torpedoes, pedal to the metal till its DONE (LITERALLY in some cases. We had a high cube, turdy looking ambulance that some crazy bastard specd to be built around a Chevy 454 gasoline engine instead of the traditional diesel, and may or may not know if it gets up over 100 mph if the kid in the back is badly injured enough).

    Kids are precious. Normal people will protect a child any way they can, even one they do not know, even at the expense of their own life.

    Which makes this all the more baffling to me that they could get ANY cop to stand down at ANY price, pension, political thread, even death, when a nutter is close at their heavily armed hand killing young kids.

    Seems like you’d have to lack not only courage, not only testosterone, but basic humanity as well.

    At best, these cops are cowards who didn’t even follow the tenants of their own recent training out of personal fear, and are in the wrong job if so.

    At worst, they are accomplices in a mass murder ordered for political reasons.

    If that’s the case, all they deserve is a rope.

    That none are so much as disciplined and that their cheif still has his job speaks volumes. It is the mark of Government approval of their actions.

    But be very, very afraid if so.

    Because if the Government can make cops stand by in earshot of children being shot with full knowledge they are pleading for their lives…if they can make sworn officers do THAT…

    …one wonders what they can make them do when it’s time to take your guns or load you on the train to re-education camp.

    Or worse.

    Uvalde may have been a psychological test to see just how far they can drive ordinary policemen away from their duty at political need.

    If so, the Communists in charge must be very pleased with the results indeed.

  3. SNS

    The door was most likely a dead loser. Emphasis on dead. Funnel of death and all that overused tactical shit. However I’ve not seen many classrooms that didn’t have a shit ton of windows in them. I’m not sure how one of these pussies ever looks himself in the mirror ever again. I bet suicides are down the road.

  4. Right about the windows, @Brad. My classroom has BIG windows all across the front wall, waist-level to ceiling.

    I frequently mentally review what I would do if shooters were to come on campus. Where is the safest place to go? How would I try to hide the kids? Is there a way I could alert the other teachers without exposing the children in my classroom? Is there any way to defend the children and myself?

    There aren’t many good answers to those questions. And our campus is wide open…

  5. “Suicides are coming”

    That would indicate a certain level of shame, contrition, or feelings that they were culpable in some fashion, I have yet to see any of this behavior exhibited so far. No mea culpa’s have been forthcoming, only excuses. None of these sorry excuses for cops have the guts to do the right thing and off themselves.

    I do see massive transfer to other agencies, a get out of Dodge if you will, but woe be to any agency that hires them, a mutiny will most certainly occur.

  6. @ Preschool teacher

    Create multi-text group with the teachers you are concerned about.

    Pin that group so it’s at the top of your text screen and easily available.

    Agree on a one, or two, word alarm signal.

    Not perfect, but better than nothing. Maybe you guys can brainstorm a better system, but have a system!

    Being armed would be a part of my system, but that’s just the Texan in me.

  7. I’ve heard that there is video of two guys standing near door where the shooter went in. His handlers?
    They needed dead kids for the attack on 2A and were mad when a hero stopped him.
    Murder, just that simple.

  8. Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. No. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, Crom. So grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!


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