UW-Deadwood – IOTW Report


With the signing of the 2 year budget yesterday by Governor Scott Walker (WI-R), The University of Wisconsin system will now have to make due with $250 million less. Of course the UW has a reported $650 million in reserves thanks to tuition increases after the federal government took over the student loan program (funny how that worked out).

Of course the left is shouting themselves hoarse about “slashes… to one of the country’s great public institutions… higher education.” But is the UW system really going to suffer that much? Let’s take a look at one school and find out shall we? 

The UW-Eau Claire will have to reduce its budget by about $7.6 million. They offered buyouts for early retirement and 94 staff and faculty members took them up on the deal. The buyout is called a “One-time payments to the part- and full-time employees opting to take part total $2.57 million and range from $6,434 to $52, 887.” They project it will save them $4 million.


What caught my attention from the article is with all the moaning and gnashing of teeth, what department, what facility, what program at Eau Claire is being affected? Is the library closing early, are they not hiring as many tutors or offering as many sections of diversity and multicultural education for general ed requirements? They sure don’t seem to say anything about it in this article.

Disclaimer: I earned my MBA at UW-Eau Claire.


6 Comments on UW-Deadwood

  1. Here’s how they can save money on “diversity training”

    Just show the “white guilt” movie every Monday, give extra credit to students who demonstrate against Israel, against Christians and just make all students attend the “call to prayer” every other Friday. Then on their off Friday they can demonstrate against the Confederate battle flag and for #BlackLivesMatter.

    The rest of their scholastic energy should be spent on science, literature, English, mathematics, physical education, home ec., engineering, varsity sports, intramural sports, American history, shop, including welding and brick laying, and what am I forgetting???

    Oh right! Feminists can report false rape ad lib.

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