University Pays $5,000 To Porn Professional – IOTW Report

University Pays $5,000 To Porn Professional

Long time adult entertainer, Nina Hartley, gave an hour long lecture to students of the University of Wisconsin La Crosse about pornography. The 35 year veteran of the porn industry was paid $5,000 from the university’s auxiliary funds which includes fees paid by students and interest. It is unclear if Hartley’s presentation was about educational, career development or entertainment for the 70 students who attended her performance. More

15 Comments on University Pays $5,000 To Porn Professional

  1. Five thousand? United States dollars? Doesn’t University of Wisconsin have, at least, one STEM department that could build a sexbot (or five) for that kind of student money?

  2. Obviously, University of Wisconsin Chancellor Joe Gow is a Yuge fan of Nina’s, as he slobberingly cheesed on himself when asked about the event.
    “This was a real value for $5,000, and a rare perspective we don’t hear every day,” Gow told the Journal Sentinel.

    what a cheese head or is that a head cheese, either way it needs to be left on the shelf for another 6 months to firm up.

  3. Would you rather have liberal college graduates go into the porn industry, or politics?

    Yes, I know there’s not much moral difference, but their effect on the rest of us normal people is lessened if they do skin flicks and not politics.

  4. @scr_north November 6, 2018 at 9:07 pm

    > might as well have something to fall back on and why not porn!

    Uh… You do know why Wisconsin football fields all have natural turf, don’t you?

  5. Hartley’s a porn icon from the ‘golden age of porn’ … or, so I’m told …
    not really my ‘cup of tea’, but she’s still a ‘looker’ … for her age
    … but for 5 Grand I want a little more … know what I mean? …

    am I being too … obtuse?

  6. We need a new Martin Luther to stand up and call for a new Reformation of the Lutheran church against lesbo dunderhead so called ministers like this dim bulb. Evidently Lutherans don’t believe in or sing Luther’s powerful song A Mighty Fortress Is Our God anymore. Ethically sourced pornography are you kidding me, I just don’t get it.


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