V.A. Caught Coaching Employees on How to Cheat Oversight – IOTW Report

V.A. Caught Coaching Employees on How to Cheat Oversight

DougRoss: Management at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers in California selected and coached employees on exactly what to tell investigators about wait time manipulation, according to new inspector general reports.

VA bldg

According to two whistleblowers, management handpicked medical support assistants and told them what to tell the Veterans Health Administration Inspection Team, which visited the San Diego medical center in May, 2014, following the wait time manipulation scandal which rocked the Phoenix VA.

One of the medical support assistants said he was afraid to tell inspectors anything because a supervisor was in the interview with him.

Investigators were initially tipped off to misdeeds at the medical center in San Diego by a whistleblower, who said employees were being improperly trained and pressured by management to “zero out” appointment wait times.


5 Comments on V.A. Caught Coaching Employees on How to Cheat Oversight

  1. I am furious but what can I do about it? Apparently the VA retains and promotes liars and cheats, demotes and disciplines honest people.

    Where are the GOP candidates on this, including Congress, they’re all running for re-election you know.

    Politics is about crap now days.

  2. The Dhimmos are trying to find enough whiteout to cover Hilldabeast’s history and ugly presence..her manipulations to eradicate all oppostion, including the Mad Hatter Bern..The GOPers are busy trying to self-destruct with the talking heads of the media on both sides (Cruz and Trump supporters) throwing in the towel in total disgust (including IOTWreport). Those of us who are still around who love our country and our Constitution are getting more than fed up with this shit….

  3. Why do we even have a VA? All veterans should be given a card that entitles them to health care at the doctor or hospital of their choice. In the end, it would save billions! This mess is worse than the Post office. And staffed by the same affirmative action slugs.

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