VA Officials Who Stole Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Get To Keep It – IOTW Report

VA Officials Who Stole Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Get To Keep It

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Unacceptable doesn’t begin to describe this. Despicable comes to mind, as does un-freaking-believable.

Two officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs who allegedly defrauded the agency of $400,000 will walk away with the taxpayer money they took after receiving demotions and unspecified pay cuts as punishment.

Diane Rubens and Kimberly Graves were both accused of manipulating a VA program meant to relocate agency employees who transfer long distances to take jobs within the VA. Rubens fraudulently netted more than $274,000 and Graves more than $129,000, according to the agency’s inspector general.

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8 Comments on VA Officials Who Stole Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Get To Keep It

  1. Unfortunately, the headline doesn’t really tell the whole story. I’m not going to waste time looking further but it appears Rubens and Graves are unwitting accomplices.

    Instead: Hickey declined a congressional request to testify about the relocation benefits scheme. The VA’s watchdog found officials had used the program to get around prohibitions on giving raises to employees.

    While the sums are large and I have no idea how long this went on. If I’m reading this correctly, they didn’t buy new cars and clothes for themselves, they instead appropriated funds inappropriately.

  2. As former Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, Bernie Sanders would have you believe Veterans are his number 1 priority.He’s still a member if the committee, just not Chair….WHILE CAMPAIGING.

  3. They got off scot-free, because if they are called to account for their crimes, they will start naming names.

    Same as with Fast & Furious and a thousand other 0bama Administration schemes…

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