Valentine Gift For Jilted Lovers – IOTW Report

Valentine Gift For Jilted Lovers


A Texas zoo is offering jilted lovers the chance to get some Valentine’s Day revenge by naming a cockroach or a rat after their exes before it is fed to a larger animal.

The San Antonio Zoo said scorned lovers can pay $5 to have a cockroach named after their ex before it is served to a larger zoo animal as a meal. More

8 Comments on Valentine Gift For Jilted Lovers

  1. Clever way for the zoo to make a few dollars, but they could easily make lots more by naming for a congress critter. I have lower opinion of some of them than my disgust of cockroaches, rats or even former flames.

  2. When the zoo ups the ante and starts up a PPV channel to live stream treasonous politicians, pundits, professors, plutocrats, and socialist media “influencers” being fed to crocodiles, piranha, and sharks, let me know.

    Or should that be “dead stream”?


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