Vatican says Catholic Church, its priests cannot bless same-sex unions – IOTW Report

Vatican says Catholic Church, its priests cannot bless same-sex unions

Just The News-

The Catholic Church and its priests cannot bless same-sex unions, the Vatican said Monday.

The Vatican’s announcement, through its Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was an official response to the question on the blessing of same-sex unions.

“The blessing of homosexual unions cannot be considered licit,” according to the statement, obtained by USA Today. 

The statement also reads: “There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family.” more here

9 Comments on Vatican says Catholic Church, its priests cannot bless same-sex unions

  1. *Sheesh* Even Milo Yiannopoulos knows this.

    This should not be news. It should not be controversial. That it even had to be clarified –to the priesthood as well as to the general public– makes it painfully obvious how far the culture and the church have drifted from all that is good and true and beautiful.

  2. This counterfeit will vacillate between validity and outright heresy in order to string nominal Catholics along as he sews destruction. This is part of the choreography of The Marxist dance.

  3. Many Catholics stopped paying their tithe to the Pope and needs their funds to keep his socialist ideas and programs afloat. The Pope is comfortable with the gay priests in his organization, so why all of a sudden? The Pope hasn’t mentioned abortions in a while either.

  4. The Statement was from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, not Francis as JDHasty stated Francis would probably endorse homo marriage if he could get away with it.


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