Vegan Influencer Starves to Death – IOTW Report

Vegan Influencer Starves to Death

Sky News

A “raw vegan” influencer has reportedly died from starvation after a decade of only eating fruit and vegetables.

Originally from Russia, Zhanna Samsonova – known as Zhanna D’Art on social media – used Instagram, where she had more than 10,000 followers before she died, to highlight the benefits of a raw vegan diet.

Speaking to a Russian newspaper following the 39-year-old’s death in Malaysia on 21 July, her mother said Samsonova died from a “cholera-like infection” that was made worse by her restrictive diet. More

15 Comments on Vegan Influencer Starves to Death

  1. Says alot for that so called “diet”. It’s sad for the family and friends, but I just don’t care. Just one less weak link dragging humanity down. Move along.

  2. I saw this the other day;

    The sad part, I don’t know if she is mentally ill or fully aware that she is killing herself but does it for the adulation of her followers.

    Equally worrisome; what percentage of her followers are genuinely concerned for her health vs. those that gather at the bridge yelling ,”Jump”.

  3. If you’re not here to “influence” what are you here for? You’re trying influence peoples’ political views, gun stand, social beliefs or whatever. I’m just saying there’s nothing wrong with influencing as long as it’s a good cause.

  4. Saw this a couple of days ago. Used to work with a hard-core vegan years ago, and she was built exactly the same way as this woman: skeletal with not an ounce of spare flesh on her anywhere. Makes it really hard to fight off infections if you have no reserves to sustain you during your illness.

  5. “If you’re not here to “influence” what are you here for?”

    Let’s see, how about maybe learning something?

    Sure, it’s fun to kick around political viewpoints considering none of us are professional analysts or prognosticators, but there are a lot of smart people that frequent this site, and since none of us have a monopoly on wisdom, sometimes a different POV surfaces here that I had not thought of, makes sense and gets me thinking. Isn’t that what it’s all about?

  6. RIP
    Not familiar with her and think veganism is fuggin stupid, but she lived it her way.

    God didn’t equip us with canines for turnips.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Anorexia and bulimia were big health issues among mostly suburban/elite young women in the 1980s and 1990s. Although it probably started mid 1970s. The media stopped reporting about it as casual sex, teen pregnancy, drug use and gangs became more sensational. Bet bulimia is still a problem for sorority members,beauty queens etc.

    Sounds like anorexia nervosa is what this looney woman was suffering from as she starved herself to death. She probably pretended to eat the quantities she boasted about and didn’t keep what she did eat down.

    Although she was “eating” just fruits and vegetables, she didn’t drink water or eat salt – a deadly combination of neglect. That toxic combo most certain made her dehydrated, infectious and eventually develop sepsis.

    Obviously, she needed mental health care intervention, but was more than likely too far gone.


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