Venezuela’s Socialist Short Circuit – IOTW Report

Venezuela’s Socialist Short Circuit

There are more than 30,000 community councils in Venezuela, created by Hugo Chavez to represent their neighborhoods in petitioning their government for social projects and local improvements funded from oil revenue.


Originally the councils presented their needs to their locally elected municipalities but 10 years ago the Socialist federal government bypassed those representative arrangements and now the councils report directly to the president.

This has allowed the executive branch to reward its backers and punish its enemies, in some cases by withholding food.

The government has the power to decide which councils it recognizes and which are deemed illegitimate. Oppose the state and the community could be cut off from needed Federal funding.



The councils have little oversight on how they actually spend the money that is allocated to them, leading to embezzlement and waste to the point that some communities are asking the government stop sending them money.



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