Vermont’s Travel Ban To North Carolina Is Having an Impact – IOTW Report

Vermont’s Travel Ban To North Carolina Is Having an Impact

The word impact does not necessarily mean harsh, and that’s the case here.

Take a guess at how much North Carolina is losing a year because of the ban.


The impact to Mississippi is about 559 bucks.

As you see, not all impacts are the same.

ht. Sam S.

14 Comments on Vermont’s Travel Ban To North Carolina Is Having an Impact

  1. Jimmy Buffett has two concerts in North Carolina this week.
    Tomorrow and Saturday.

    I doubt he even considered cancelling.
    He has the best, most loyal fans in the business and he knows it would only hurt them.

    Those all day tailgate parties are a blast. 🙂

  2. I’ve already planned a vacation trip to Hilton Head, NC, just to say “Fu*k You!” to the NC-boycotters. That trip will replace about 25% of Vermont’s boycott total.

    AND, my wife will know that when she’s in the ladies’ restroom, that’s not a dude in the stall next to her, trying to figure out how to tie his junk back down, so it doesn’t show under his little black dress.

  3. @Trooper John
    Come on down to HHI, it’s super conservative around here and you can still burn your yard waste! We’ve got the sweetest shrimp, tea, and ladies. I’m a New Yorka that’s never going back!

  4. Because of Barky Dearest, Reggie, ValJar, Hittlery, Huma, and the rest of the demented gaggle of Dhimmocraps, the gay folk seem to think they are riding the highroad….. wakeup call will happen when the next prezzy gets in, as long as it is not that bitch Hittlery….too bad Cruz already burned the bridge to being Trump’s vp candidate…

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