Veterans of What?? – IOTW Report

Veterans of What??

A group of supposed veterans (I need verification) are complaining because Trump said his fundraiser netted 6 million for veterans, but accounting puts the figure at 3.1 million, which is 3 million more than the veterans had before Trump held his fundraiser.

I’m not sure which veterans would blame Trump because pledgers didn’t follow through with their promises.

I also don’t know of too many veterans who “stand with their  Muslim sisters and brothers.” Not any veterans of middle east wars.

This sounds like a group of progressives to me.

Some look a little like no one asked and no one told, because we can simply look and figure it out – if ya know what I mean (like that fierce dandy in the blue shirt with the heart.)



The Daily Mail


11 Comments on Veterans of What??

  1. A veteran (from Latin vetus, meaning “old”) is a person who has had long service or experience in a particular occupation or field

    Veteran could be a card player, a fag, a race car driver

  2. There are legitimate questions about this issue.
    If you take out the money Trump himself put in, it looks like most of the pledges were fraudulent.
    That is not common with this kind of thing.
    Why doesn’t Trump just name the people that are stiffing the Vets and pass the blame where it belongs?
    Unless he overstated the amount received like he has his personal wealth?
    The left will keep pushing on this issue until Trump releases the actual information.
    If Hillary pulled something like this, we would all believe she pocketed the difference.

  3. Whining while standing with their “muslim brothers and sisters” because some minor veteran groups received $3.1 Million from a private citizens when the proposed government (VA) budget for this next FY is $163.2 billion in VA spending.

    Government Waste, Fraud, theft, political hiring, employee raises, insider contracts, private consultants, and corruption costs Hundreds of $Millions at the expense of caring for “real” veterans who require medical treatment.

    Not a peep from these wannabe tools about the VA, misuse of their budget or obama’s failure. Deceit, deception and deflection are obama and hillary’s forte’.

    These shitbirds represent the progressive politically correct crowd and their action is a betrayal of “real” veterans who require medical assistance.
    Shameful effort to identify a non-problem, while ignoring the elephant in the room (VA Waste & Corruption)..

  4. I once had an encounter with a “veteran” in a parking lot who was sporting a veterans for obama sticker on his car (Prius). I asked him if he was a veteran he said yes….ARMY! So I asked….WHO’S? He got all pissy and walked away.

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