Victor David Hanson’s Take On Smollett Highlights Just How Stupid the Left Can Be – IOTW Report

Victor David Hanson’s Take On Smollett Highlights Just How Stupid the Left Can Be

13 Comments on Victor David Hanson’s Take On Smollett Highlights Just How Stupid the Left Can Be

  1. C’mon!
    The same people believe that winged negroes built the Pyramids!
    The same people believe that only negroes were slaves – ignoring the fact that the word “slave” derives from “slav” – a white middle European group.
    The same people believe that socialism is about equality.
    The same people believe that they’re justified in killing other people to make them believe the same as them.
    The same people believe that a 70-year Demonrat-run shithole is a shithole because of President Trump.
    The same people believe that the Pedophilic Usurping Retard Joey Biden is a genius, a statesman, and an orator.
    The same people believe that Kamel-ho Harris makes sense when she blathers bullshit.
    The same people deny the existence of God but believe in Ancient Aliens while worshipping Satan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Compare and contrast:

    FJB angrily spewing lies at high volume with clenched fists.

    The soft spoken VDH bemusedly noting the how many little lies the left must accept to construct a hoax to fuel their anger.

    I want to be on the side of truth and humor. It’s calmer and more fun.

  3. Off subject, but is about another stupid person.
    I haven’t been to HotAir in a long time, one of the main reasons is Allahpundit, him and the site were very anti-Trump leading up to November 2020, well pretty much since 2016, but it got worse.
    I see a trending on Hot Air; My Farewell to Hot Air Readers.

    Yep, it’s Allahpundit, I guess Salem media sold out and he got the boot. He’s going to be joining Johah Goldberg and David French on Dispatch. A fitting place for him.

  4. Lies are their religion for the one they worship is the Master of all Lies.

    Tucker was interviewing Jason Whitlock who suggested if they are going to refer to Republicans as MAGA extremists then Republicans should refer to them as Satanists.

    He is 100% correct. That would be the most accurate rebuttal. Although I prefer Luciferians because that connotes the religious devotion they have for Satan.

    Adolph Pedo McMolloch may as well as have had horns projecting from his forehead.

    I feel do bad for the poor Marines forced to stand behind the satanic pederast.

  5. @Cisco Kid September 3, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    > I feel do bad for the poor Marines forced to stand behind the satanic pederast.

    Their, own, sphincters to the wall they stole from those that built it.

    An heroes. Totes heroes.

    They hold these truthys self evident. Because… top men. Top. Men.

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