Video #5 – PP Says They’ll Sell Intact Fetuses For the Right Price – IOTW Report

Video #5 – PP Says They’ll Sell Intact Fetuses For the Right Price

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26 Comments on Video #5 – PP Says They’ll Sell Intact Fetuses For the Right Price

  1. Imagine how much money they would get if they could include the pregnant mother’s intact body in that deal (wow, a twofer, Mother and child in one fell swoop)? Sign here sweetie and we will make sure you are disposed of properly!

  2. Right, it is for a good cause! You will help further medical research, be a pioneer in decreasing population and help the staff to be able to afford a new car! And yet another plus, your royal ruler Barach Hussein Obama approves wholeheartedly of your unselfish gesture!

  3. Has anyone else noticed that most of the negotiators are female? Wow, I always looked at my Mother, Sisters, Wife and Daughters (Mothers all) as without blemish. Now, I am puzzled. A female,
    a Mother and a Human being can actually murder their human babies, sell the parts and joke about it. We should change Mother’s Day to Ghoul’s Day!

  4. O’Bama say “God bless planned parenthood”

    Na Na Na! God DAMN planned parenthood! God DAMN planned parenthood!!

    Americas chickens!…..Are coming home!….to roost!!!

  5. I’ve got an idea…

    If we could just deliver the babies to the parts wholesalers alive we could save a FORTUNE on refrigeration!

  6. If I were a betting man… my money would be on them not being all that concerned about obeying the court order.

    Saint Thomas Moore and Saint Thomas Beckett are two outstanding examples of the caliber of individual that these individuals impress me as being of the same caliber as.

    I know that if I were in their shoes the material would have been packaged and distributed already so that nothing short of total shutdown of the internet could prevent each and every second of material they have produced from getting out.

    I would have set it up so that once it started to come out even I could not do anything to stop all of it from being distributed.

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