Video Creator for Sanders Campaign Nixed over Video Sexualizing MLK Speech – IOTW Report

Video Creator for Sanders Campaign Nixed over Video Sexualizing MLK Speech

Breitbart: A video creator for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) campaign left the team just one day after joining over a controversial video that sexualized Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Matt Orfalea joined the Sanders campaign after making a viral 2020 Sanders video titled “Rising Up.” However, his employment was short-lived, as he resigned just a day after joining the team after controversial videos from his past surfaced– specifically, a video that sexualized MLK’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”

He explained in a Medium post published Monday that the decade-old video was aimed to demonstrate “media manipulation” but also admitted that it was a “pathetic attempt at comedy.” more here

SNIP: Hilarious! Does the Bernie Sanders campaign not have one solitary detective on hand to research people they hire? Sounds like the kid has the right stuff to work for any leftwing media.

5 Comments on Video Creator for Sanders Campaign Nixed over Video Sexualizing MLK Speech

  1. I’d love to have a debate comments forum.

    I’ll start off here in case it happens.

    For a gay guy, Mayor Pete was way up Warren’s ass about her bullshit answer about raising taxes.

  2. I actually have no problem with this other than the language. It was clear he was providing an example of how easy it is to manipulate audio.

    Now, ten years later, someone can manipulate video to show you having raw porn sex with a young Hillary Clinton.

    He’s actually making a great point!

    The future will be don’t trust your lyin’ eyes.


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