This is on the heels of the photographer who withheld the picture of Calypso Louie with Obama because he felt it would be damaging to him. (Obama, not Farrakhan.)
Huggers include, Maxine Waters, Al Green, William Jefferson and Barbara Lee.
See more HERE
Jewish demorats hate Trump, who loves America, but will ignore this and make excuses. They are being exposed and are imploding. Just imagine if Trump actually had the support ofnthe repubic party, how much more he could do…
I find it interesting that the Left, especially race-baiter Joy Reid at MSNBC, went after Rep.Stephen Scalise for his speech at a 2002 EURO conference, a group that was founded by David Duke. Scalise said that he did not know the nature of the group and was speaking about tax legislation at the time. He apologized and both Republicans and Democrats came to his defense. Joy Reid, on the other hand, still questioned his intent, even as he lay in the hospital, unsure of his recovery.
I would go as far as to say hugging Louis Farrakhan is equal to hugging David Duke. These people know who he is and for what he stands. There is no “I did not know” on this one.
Impeach Number…uh, what number is Maxine Waters?
I’m guessing number two. That whole room is doing an impersonation of a backed up commode.
Fur, large mouth bass
This would have been after Farrakhan admitted that he ordered the assassination of Malcolm X in a 60 Minutes interview.
But Trump is killing blacks…with too many hours at work.
Obama knelt before Farrakhan and kissed little Allah in praise.
Let the pile-on begin! The (D) party needs to be destroyed. File a RICO case against the Clinton Foundation,DNC, and MSM agents.
Modern liberals are replicas of the communists of revolutionary Russia.