VIDEO: Night sky flashes, sonic boom sounds as meteor hits near Detroit – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Night sky flashes, sonic boom sounds as meteor hits near Detroit

Canada Free Press: I’ll give you moment-by-moment because we saw and felt it like just about everyone else in Metro Detroit.

One minute my son Tony points out the window and says, “I saw a flash!”

We heard and felt a boom that felt like a truck had crashed into our building.

Now we live on the fifth floor of our building in downtown Royal Oak, which is about 10 miles north of downtown Detroit. It’s not that unusual to see flashes in the distance, but it’s unusual on a snowy winter night.

A few minutes later, we heard and felt a boom that felt like a truck had crashed into our building. Tony and I immediately went out onto the balcony looking for the carnage, but saw nothing.

Onto Facebook and the early speculation was that metro Detroit had been hit by an earthquake.

But soon the reports came that a meteor had hit Metro Detroit, and this video seems to show the same thing Tony saw.

12 Comments on VIDEO: Night sky flashes, sonic boom sounds as meteor hits near Detroit

  1. Meteor comes down near Detroit!

    Doesn’t anyone work on their vocabulary anymore? Once the writers mention that a meteor has or might come down onto the Earth, –oh, what’s the use anyways, gimongous has been officially a word for quite some time, irregardless of its correctitude, I guess I must except it…

    Meteor, meteorite; I think I have seen about a dozen articles with this erroneous wordification… Apparently it’s all in ones prospective!

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