Video of fatal shooting in Kenosha – IOTW Report

Video of fatal shooting in Kenosha


38 Comments on Video of fatal shooting in Kenosha

  1. I right clicked on the vid and then clicked on vid address. So i could share it.

    When i tried to paste the address to see if it would come up, the message is the vid has been moved or deleted.

    It is so obviously self defense from the video that the video must be banned.

  2. …you know what you call it when you kill a few of the Antifa who are trying to murder American Citizens and terrorize the United States of America?

    …A good start…

  3. Lifted from another forum…

    The kid is screwed with no viable defense…

    “… is the fact he was in possession of, and carrying an ILLEGAL firearm. He was 17, and from Illinois. He brought the rifle up to Wisconsin, where he’s not allowed to carry that weapon, as he has to be 18 to be eligible for Wisconsin’s Open Carry law. He can’t purchase that weapon in either state, as he’s not even 18, and he can’t carry it in Illinois at all, as we don’t have an open carry law. He likely involved his parents in murder litigation, as a result, as the gun either belonged to them, or they bought it for him. Are you kidding me here? If you didn’t have a concealed carry license, would you be carrying a concealed firearm around on your person? No, you wouldn’t, because it’s illegal, and you can go to jail. He’s illegally possessing a firearm, illegally open carrying it, outside of his home state, murders two people, and maims another, and you’re going to defend him? This is why legal, responsible gun owners catch so much ****, and this tragedy is going to hurt those of us who ARE legal, responsible gun owners, in the long run.

    It’s definitely a tragedy. And yes, I saw the full video. The actual full video. Where he previously turned around and shot a protester in the head that was simply running behind him at a car dealership. He was being chased down and attacked after he had already killed that person(he’s even heard talking to someone on the phone stating “I just killed a guy.”, at which point he proceeded to shoot someone else point blank in the chest, killing that individual, and then shot another individual point blank, nearly severing his arm, and likely maiming him for life(this man likely needs that arm amputated when I saw the damage done to it.

    The kid was immature, far too immature to carry that rifle, and simply playing soldier. This is why minimum age laws exist for firearms…

    And now his life is over for it, as well as the lives of two other individuals, unfortunately. And countless other lives are impacted. His family and parents. The families of the victims. The victims themselves. He’ll have a really long time to sit and think it all over when he’s in prison the rest of his life.”

    Going to be at limited access for the puter till tomorrow, but this and other could make for an interesting evening.

  4. What happened with the first guy shot, before “skateboard” and “glock medic”? The riot apologists are claiming “headwound harry” was gunned down in cold blood for tossing a baggie or something. I’m real bad with these videos. Help me out here.

  5. Okay, thanks, Anymouse, you posted while I was typing. So the first shooting was definitely not clean, all the other gun possession legalities aside. Maybe this tragedy makes the hotheads step back from the brink, but probably not.

  6. copied from Ace of Spades:
    “17-Year-Old Kyle Rittenhouse Arrested for What Black Lives Matter Does Every Night; Charged With Intentional Murder
    I think legally he’s guilty, but I don’t think the law is in effect any longer. The government is refusing to enforce it against insurrectionists, effectively making the State Sanctioned Terrorists, and citizens are forced to defend themselves and their own property.”

    I’ve been saying it for years: If the government will not protect the citizenry, then the citizenry will turn to vigilantism.

    And citizens do not have the long hours of training that cops do.

    You have to give them some leeway. If the state is effectively making terrorism and arson legal, then I say, shooting rioters without normal legal justification is now legal too.

  7. From the above source – “It’s definitely a tragedy. And yes, I saw the full video. The actual full video. Where he previously turned around and shot a protester in the head that was simply running behind him at a car dealership.”

    The whole ordeal is on various twitter feeds from various live-streams and appears there was a heated exchange at a gas station. Head-wound-guy was one of the central figures there, very aggressive. He chased Kyle and threw a Molotov cocktail at him and continued to advance. He got popped first, then the mob descended on Kyle, who was fleeing, and the other two took a round while beating him. It was clearly self-defense.

  8. What about that dude with the shot to his head? I think he shot him too. Which is why he was running away as they yelled ‘he shot someone’. Right on 50…. which is the road you take to go to Lake Geneva. KIDS!! WTF, Parents!.

  9. @Anymouse I was wondering about the two separate shooting incidents. Breitbart has footage of someone being chased through a parking lot and shot down and the more widely shared video of Rittenhouse being chased and knocked down and assaulted in the street and coming up shooting.

    To see both clips see the comments on my earlier post on Rittenhouse’s arrest.

    You’re saying Rittenhouse did both shootings incidents? Because the first clip looks bad for the teen.

  10. I have mixed emotions. I don’t know what happened before the video starts, but anytime rioters get shot is OK with me. After Kent State, anti-war riots pretty much stopped.

  11. Law and order is dead. Libtards killed it. The state could not protect the citizens. BLM/ANTIFA by definition will try and kill you. People have a right to STOP civil decent. People have a right to protect themselves. Gun laws no longer apply. If you see rioter identifying themselves as ANTIFA or BLM you should automatically fear for your safety. I’ll be looking for the kids GoFundMe account.

    What I’ve typed above are covered in Penal Codes.

  12. Perhaps more later…

    At ironically “Security Job” (unarmed). Got alert on the cell phone on the way in with Kenosha County declaring a “State of Emergency” Curfew, etc.

    Also got alert from ATF for dealers in the McHenry, Lake and Cook Counties (IL). Never seen one of those before as they’re cautioning about “Civil Unrest” and precautions regarding inventory, etc.

    Shit’s getting serious…

    Again, if I have available time later…

  13. Anonymouse, please find an excuse if you’re ever called for jury duty. Too often we make the perfect the enemy of the good, and while the young man’s actions weren’t all legal, he was trying to do the right thing by protecting businesses from looters and rioters.

    I’m not cheering at the death of anyone, but I think this young man protected Kenosha, and deserves some damn gratitude for putting himself in harm’s way to try to maintain peace.

  14. Elk Tracks, like I said before, I’m really bad with this kind of video. I’m having trouble seeing a molotov here, but I’ll keep trying. Is it that bag on the ground that the shooter steps over on his way out? I’m looking for an old-school flaming bottle of gas, not up to date on these antifa new tricks, i reckon.

  15. He was defending himself the whole time. His first head shot victim was chasing him. The rioters have less rights to be there as they had set a curfew and the rioters already breaking laws. This is the fault of government allowing such carnage by BLM and antifa to continually go on to the point citizens feel they have to do the defending. Time to start charging the governors, district attorneys, mayors, senators for failing their sworn duties to protect citizens rights. The above have instead defended anarchy in their cities and towns all for possible political gain. Bring charges of sedition against State officials who fail to do their duty.

  16. Legal or not, I just don’t see how authorities can hold that 17 year old kid up to one standard while they enabled and encouraged others to get away with rioting, burning property, looting and murder. They threw the law into the dumpster the moment they relinquished their obligation to abide by the oath they took to uphold the law and protect the citizens!!

  17. @Anymouse – Thanks for that. I was wondering about being a 17 year old and openly carrying??? Turns out from OUT OF state ta boot??? Regardless of the self defense motive, the former will be impossible to beat. No? For the loy-yas out there?

    What caliber rifle in your opinion? I guess it IS to his advantage that he did not have a handgun and actually did it WITH a long gun, aka a rifle when it comes to his case, his defense as a minor.

    In the first part of the compiled vid (thank you @Elk Tracks) he was running from the guy, that he ended up shooting in the head, he did a 180 on the run stopped in his track took the shot after being pursued. Like usual something happened RIGHT before the start of the vid because he is running from the red shirted guy from the gas station.

    That was not a molotov in the conventional sense. This aint’ ‘your communist fathers doing battle in the 20’s and 30’s’ or the middle eastern versions we have seen over the years.

    That looks like an improvised incendiary where the accelerant is in a container, a coke two liter bottle, and THEN a plastic bag which is used as the ‘catapault action’, hence the handles on the plastic bag. Think David and Goliath, same thing, missed target in this case.

    It’s just that the delivery was sloppy and it did not really ignite, hence no flash, turns out it was a dud.

    He runs from the first incident AFTER circling back to assess the damage done. Once he realized the guy was more than likely dead, he hit the eject button and got out of there with the idea that he was about to be pounced on.

    While running he tripped, got attacked or assaulted maybe three or four times, felt his life was in jeopardy and took the shots, one completely in control while…sitting down!

    Got up walked into the oncoming police expecting to be immediately arrested yet he was not.

    I suspect he will get the same treatment as the guy at the Charlottesville fiasco.

    You are an UNARMED SECURITY guard?? Dam it, find a gig where you CAN carry!!! :>)

    I hear private security pays well now!


  18. There was a state of total chaos and civil unrest induced by the Governor and Mayor rejecting trained National Guardsmen. What were the residents supposed to do at that point allow BLM/ANTIFA to burn down four states? I say no. He had a right and a moral obligation to step up and help fellow Americans in imminent danger of having their homes, businesses burned out that transcends any limitations on firearm possession. God knows that ANTIFA was passing out the exact same type of weaponry to everyone and anyone in Seattle. We have it on video.

    Either all firearms laws apply to the citizenry in the same manner they are applied to the ANTIFA who were doing the Seattle City Council’s bidding or they do not apply at all once mostly peaceful rioting starts.

  19. Here is how the NY Post opens an article on one of the “victims” of the gun carrying vigilante.

    “One of the Kenosha protesters killed by a gun-toting vigilante was identified Wednesday as a talented skateboarder who died while trying to disarm the gunman.”

    He was 26 years old, a talented skateboarder? Jeez, gimme a frickin break. That’s all he’s accomplished?

  20. @joe6pak

    Protester and a gun-toting vigilante, bullshit. I hate the media. He was a kid standing up doing what LE and the majority of adult men refuse to do, defend fellow Americans and their businesses from marxist bastards who all need to be shot.

    People just need to quit putting themselves in danger, stay on the rooftops and out of sight and start picking these son-of-a-bitches off. Tell the cops either you stop them or we will.

  21. Decided to limit my further comments and this is into page two anyway, except to say I’m getting further phone alerts.

    Shutting down and putting “emergency curfew” in effect on IL side of the border. Antioch, IL for starters as that’s where the kid was from. Leave it to all of you to speculate what info they’re going off of or what they expect.

    Ghost I’ll e-mail tomorrow AM including you with the “group.”

    They’re getting closer to my home and I hope the shotguns I mentioned last night to MIke on his show don’t have to be used.


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