Video Removed – IOTW Report

Video Removed

Youtube sent me a takedown notice. They removed a video I had of a black woman jumping up and down and yelling, “kill all da white babies.”

They say it violated their community standards.

I posted it to shine a light on what some black people are feeling in 2017.

Do you think that:

A: They took it down because I’m making a black woman look bad, and they think it’s hurtful to minorities and somehow I’m a racist?

B: They took it down because they think the message, “kill all da white babies” is harmful rhetoric?


Oddly, the video remains up HERE.

So much for their community.

30 Comments on Video Removed

  1. You’re on their list now BFH, better toe the line or they’ll demonetize you’re submissions and put your content behind an age appropriate wall.

    YouTube is heading DowntheTubes rapidly doing censorship like this.

  2. A. You were simply reporting and aren’t responsible if someone looks bad. She’s inciting murder of children based on their race.
    B. It was not you spouting harmful rhetoric, you were merely rolling tape of a hate filled person (generous description, I know) spewing racist venom

  3. I think it’s C: Youtube is owned and run by Alphabet Inc, the same people that own and run Google. The people that are limo lefties that demand adherance to the progessive thought line while continuing to live in mansions behind walls patrolled by armed guards. Oh, and A) as well.

  4. The black woman was confronting an anti-abortion protestor – your posting was removed for two reasons:

    It demonstrated the insanity of a pro-abortion supporter
    It demonstrated the racism of a protected minority class

    Put them together and you have an insane pro-abortion racist, not something Alphabet (i.e. google) wants the sheeple to see.

    Either that or Alphabet has your number.

    A longer, contextual clip can be seen on this site, which, oddly enough, still has it posted to YouTube:

  5. And this is why I avoid any sort of contact with black people. There are decent blacks, I am sure. But I am not going to hang around any of them long enough to find out if they are of the Thomas Sowell/Allen West/Condeliza Rice type or the type in this video. The former group seems to be the exception to the rule while the latter seems to be typical.

  6. Black women are more likely to have an abortion than a white woman.
    That’s why white people should be pro abortion and black people should be anti abortion
    But the are not.

  7. PHenry asked ‘Question is, if there were a white person screaming “kill all the black babies!” would YouTube squash it or feature it? Tough call. YT might consider it useful.’

    Answer: Margaret Sanger died before YouTube was invented, and I think all film or audio recordings of her racism have been destroyed.

  8. The left hate conservatives exposing leftist insanity. They react as if victimized.
    So, leftists try to silence the so-called offender- a tactic intended to shame, and intimidated any opposition.

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