Video That Shows Muslim Rocket Failing and Hitting Gazan Hospital – IOTW Report

Video That Shows Muslim Rocket Failing and Hitting Gazan Hospital

21 Comments on Video That Shows Muslim Rocket Failing and Hitting Gazan Hospital

  1. Nothing less than intentional, the decent people of Gaza are but pawns used by Hamas for propaganda purposes.

    The loss of life of Palestinians is not a concern of Hamas. They are shields for terrorists to use their life’s as propaganda when Israel finds rocket caches under apartment buildings or underground tunnels.

    Palestinians neither have the will or strength to throw the Hamas murderous wolves into the sea.

  2. I saw a report with an IDF spokesman saying that they question the civilian death toll because Hamas has used the cadavers of fallen terrorists to inflate civilian death tolls before.

    With a compliant/complicit media and the ummah’s and lefts’ willingness to be deceived, there is no own-goal possible. This video, watched live by millions of Arab speakers eagerly watching the destruction of Israel, will be denied, spun and edited beyond recognition. Like Trump Derangement Syndrome, the visceral, generational hate that has been cultivated among Arabs since the Balfour Declaration over 100 years ago causes most to not trust their lying eyes.

    I am fairly sure that the “mobs” being reported throughout the Muslim world now are staged and managed. The Al Aqsa Flood, in my opinion, is based on manipulating the Muslim street and their companions in the Left into a blind rage against Israel, Jews and the West.

    A dead Palestinian is fodder for the media machine, not matter who did the killing. Hamas knew Israel would be unable to pull its punches if Jews were horribly massacred in the most brutal fashion. Even if Hamas is destroyed, they win, because they will have forced a large portion of the ummah to radicalize and take action.

    Then again, they may have made a grave miscalculation and the whole thing could fizzle out. People can be unpredictable, even heavily indoctrinated ones.

  3. The September 11 attacks of 2001 caused the deaths of 2,996 people, including 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers who committed murder–suicide. Thousands[a] more were injured,[3][4] and long-term health effects have arisen as a consequence of the attacks. New York City took the brunt of the death toll when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

    Muzzies did that – the same muzzies that just wiped out a hospital. Well, their suffering is over isn’t it? They’re going through rubble looking for bodies just like we did. Do not forget!

  4. Well, what do you expect from a bunch of retards who dig up water line pipes (delivered by the UN), refabricate them into shitty rockets in some Muslim’s garage, and then just let them fly? I seriously expected that these Muzzie ass-wipes had blown up the hospital themselves on purpose, but this is just about the same thing.

  5. I am not a rocket scientist, nor do I play one on TV, but that 180 turn after launch seems more indicative of a failure than a false-flag event. I had thought these were ballistic missiles as in launch on its merry way, but this seems more like a failure, but guidance defect SNAFU would get a manuverable rocket to do the same.

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