Videographer Asks Perfect Question of Antifa Fascists – “What Country Am I In Right Now?” – IOTW Report

Videographer Asks Perfect Question of Antifa Fascists – “What Country Am I In Right Now?”

It’s amazing that Antifa believes they are fighting fascism and that they aren’t the fascists.

I love when someone tells the videographer, when he simply wants to walk freely, that it’s “not worth it,” and he says, “ya, it is.”

Ya. It is.

10 Comments on Videographer Asks Perfect Question of Antifa Fascists – “What Country Am I In Right Now?”

  1. …..and cue the cop pushing the freedom lover away while a gaggle of another cops stand there watching. It’s really hard to “Back the Blue” when this is the position they take

  2. Know when to keep your peace and keep your powder dry.

    And remember this: the most important thing to back is the red, white and blue. Don’t back men, back Liberty. Men will inevitably disappoint, but Liberty will always be there for those that honor her.

  3. Nufftin — Sure seems that way, huh? I don’t trust the police in larger cities. Like universities, the police fish rots from the head. They all have Marxist mayors, police chiefs and “Equity Directors” to answer to; not the citizens. And, at this point, all the fair-minded police have been purged in the “defund” movement.

  4. I was watching a youtube vid the other day that is one of the first ammendment audit type vids. They were doing it in Los Angeles. They’d get the cops name and then look up in public records how much they make.
    Get this. With benefits, the LA cops all seem to be making between 250 and 350 thousand a year. 75 is benefits, the rest is salary and overtime.
    They will be the gestapo for the dem party for those wages.

  5. If they don’t have a permit they are breaking the law. If they don’t have to obey the law they are being held above the law. If they have been deemed above the law they have been given a title of nobility.

    Strip the Left of all the idealogical pretense they make up to confuse the issues that are actually involved in who they are and the society they would make and they boil down to nothing more than a reactionary movement to bring back a ruling aristocracy living off of a captive population of subjects.


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